21- The Note

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Dear Harry,

By now, i'm gone. I know you're gonna try and beat yourself up over it. Please don't, because it was going to happen either way. I don't know where i'm going, but it won't matter either way. I know we have had a bumpy road. But the bumps felt like pebbels when I was with you. I know you don't believe me. I guess I just tried so hard to be perfect for you that I guess I had to take my anger and frustration out when you did something I didn't like. I hate that I'm this way, I wish I could change it, but I can't change it.

If I was givin the oppurtunity to start it all over, I wouldn't do it. I got you and everything you came with. I wouldn't change that, becasue the struggles are what helped me get to know you. I found so many things out about you that most people don't know, because you let me in. Thank you for being vulnerable with me. I know we didn't have sex, but the things we did do brought us closer to each other than anything. I apprieciate how you wanted the things I did and how you put my feelings first.

When you read this, you're not going to mope around and cry about the fact that I left. Tomorrow you are gonna get your ass out of bed and go to work. You're gonna do what you need to do. Being without me is gonna hurt, I know it will, but you have to remember that you won't die. If I find out from your mum that you didn't do any of this, I will ruin you Harry Edward Styles. Shit you ruined me, I will never feel the way I do about you with someone else. I will never get this again. I hope you will, you deserve someone better. Something better than what I could give you. So finally, don't blame yourself for the things that happened. We both made mistakes and now were paying for them. Both of us, H.

You're gonna go back to London, you can move or go back to the apartment. If you move make sure you get an apartment or house with a balcony, we loved those. Unless you hate me right now, then don't get it. I hope there is a girl that catches your attention, and she is flawless and beauitful. She's gonna intrigue you, you're gonna be scared to let her in, because last time it happened it ended like this. You're gonna be honest with her always. Never a lie that will slip from you're mouth. You're gonna give her all of you. No matter if it drains you. She is gonna give you 100% never less, even when she feels like her world is ending. Because she knows you deserve it. You're gonna get a place with her and your gonna progress your relationship and your gonna get engaged and married because you feel like if you don't then it won't solitify your love forever for her. She's gonna pop out some beautiful babies, you're gonna be happy Harry. So happy. Because you deserve it.

I know you lied about so many things. One, my dad is dead. I know you had something to do with it. I don't want to think that, but you honestly did me a favor. You know it too. Two, I know the real reason we were running was because of Thomas. He wanted my inheirtance and you didn't want him to think that my dad was dead because then he would come after me so he can get it. I talked to him. I worked it out, don't worry. Three, I know that you were selling drugs. It doesn't bother me. I know the second you showed up to my dad's apartment you were there to get his money. That's all the lies I know. I hope to god there aren't more, but there probably are.

Pluvio, was the nickname I will forever love, because you gave it to me. You know I got it from my mum she was a Pluviophile too. She used to take me in the rain when I was youner, we would go jump in mud puddles or lay in the grass while it rained, my life was way better before my mum died. My dad hated the fact that I was a Pluviophile because it reminds him of her. I love when you call me Pluvio, because it reminds me of her and our good memories. It reminds me of the time were you layed in the rain with me. I wish we could have done it more. We just didn't have enough time. I wish I could change it, but I can't.

You're my favorite person, it used to be my mum until she passed away and then I met you. I will never regret falling for you Harry, without you I don't know where i'd be. Probably stuck with my father until his death. You are the only person who can say that you pulled me from that. I loved when we would go to the store together and you would tell to a random person that I was yours. I lobed when you would give me pecks on my cheek. I loved when you would wrap your arms around me. I loved when you would call me Pluvio. I loved when you would wake me up with kisses. I loved that you didn't care about my past because you accepted me of who I am. I loved when you would ignore woman's progresses and make it clear you had me. I love the fact that you were and are my person. It may change in the future, but you will forever be my favorite person until I take my last breathe. We never talked about our future, but if it would've worked out, I don't doubt that we would have been married and in love. If we can have it one day then I would be the luckiest person on the earth to be blessed with your love. I hope one day I will be Mrs. Styles, but if I'm not then remember that she gives you everything I can't. Thank you for being my person.

Finally, I'm not gonna hold it back anymore at the fact that I love you Harry Edward Styles.

I found out I was in love with you when you watched me lay in the rain, I figured it out but I was nervous you didn't feel the same. I hope you do. I won't sit here and hide it anymore. I love you to the moon and back. You could take my love and stretch my love from here to every universe and back. I love you more than the rain, you're the only person I could love that much.

Sincerely, Pluvio.

I send my love.

The End.


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