10- Harry

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Harry Edward Styles

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and an empty bed, I sit up confused. I get out of bed and make my way out to the living room, sure enough Eden is sitting outside on the balcony. A cup of coffee on the table, a book in her hand, and my shirt swallowing her whole. I lean against the door frame waiting for her to notice me, when she doesn't I let out a light cough which startles her.

"God Harry, you can't do that," she says. I walk over to her uncrossing my arms. I lean down and place a quick chaste kiss to her lips and slightly pull away.

"Good Morning to you too, Baby," I laugh and pull her in for a much deeper kiss. She hums in the kiss.

"Good morning to you too, handsome. How'd you sleep?" She asks me. I shrug, and pull her into my lap from her chair to mine. I nuzzle my face into her neck.

"Would've been better if I had woken up to you, but I guess it was fine," I tell her. She pulls my face from her neck and pulls me into a short kiss.

"I'll never get over the fact that we can do that," I tell her honestly. She releases a small chuckle and a big toothy grin.

"Me too," She says and pulls her book back out and continues to read. We sit there while I ponder my thoughts. It's been about 3 weeks since our first date and we've gone on three more dates. I want to do something special with her, speaking of, soon I will be bogged down in other work to show her the attention she deserves.

"Let's go on vacation," I blurt out. She pulls her book away and gives me a confused look.

"Why would we do that?" She asks. I shrug.

"I want to take you somehwere for a few days, just to enjoy some time together. After we get back, I'm going to be doing a whole lot more work with my friend and we won't have much time together," I tell her. She lets out a pouted lip, which makes me want to rip my throat out after lying to her.

"Alrighty then, where will we go?" She asks. I think about all the possible places we could go. I finally decide on my mother and stepfather's summer home.

"My mum and stepdad own a summer home, we could go there," I tell her. She nods her head in agreement.

"Okay, well I need to know when we are going, you have to ask your mum, we have to pack, and we have t-" I cut her off by placing a sweet innocent kiss to her lips.

"I'll handle it baby, don't get so worked up. You worry about the packing part and i'll worry about everything else," She nods her head and I place annother small kiss to her forehead. I pat her thigh to tell her to get up, she moves back to her seat and continues to drink her coffee and read her book.

"We leave in the morning," I tell her before walking into our room and grabbing my phone to call my mum.

"Hello?" I hear the familiar accent ask.

"Hey Mum, how are you?" I ask her.

"What do you want H, you call me when you want something, So what is it?" She states seeing right through me.

"Well me and my roomate were hoping that you could lend us the summer home for a few days," I tell her.

"I didn't know you had a roomate," She says ignoring my question.

"Yes mum, now can we use it or no?" I ask her. She sighs.

"Yes Harry, I guess so. You told me you were coming to see me this month and you haven't yet," She says, I frown at her tone.

"M'sorry Mum, everything with my roommate has been kind of distracting. I promise you the second it calms down along with work I will come and see you and Robin," I tell her honestly.

"Alright, I love you Harry. Key is under the plant vase on the front porch," she reminds me. A few seconds later we say our goodbye's and I go into the living space and Eden is curled up on the couch with a bagel and coffee in her lap. She looks up at me when I walk in.

"Good news, Mum is going to let me borrow the summer house for a few days and we have it all to oursleves," I tell her and climb on the couch with her. I give her a light peck to her lips before taking a bite from her bagel. After breakfast, Eden packed her clothes and stressed some more over the tiniest things, which I reassured her would be fine. We layed in bed the rest of the day. Me and Eden had a two week break from work, which I may or may not have had something to do with.

"Baby, stop stressing okay? If we don't have something we need we can always go to the store. We will be fine and it's just for like 5 days," I reassure her for the 500th time today. She nods and looks at me with a frown. I see behind her honey colored eyes that something else is bothering her.

"Pluvio, what's wrong?" I ask in a concerned worried tone. She huffs and cuddles into my chest.

"I haven't heard from my father and I know that he didn't and doesn't want me, but it hurts I guess," She says. I pull her tighter to me and hoping of a miracle that can take all the pain and heartbreak away from her.

"Pluvio, he doesn't even deserve to think about you, he hurt you love. If it was up to me he wouldn't be alive," I tell her, she tenses up but then relaxes seconds later.

"I understand, but I just want to be wanted in a way of a parental relationship. I'm just hurt H," She says. I pull her closer and kiss the top of her head. She soons drifts to sleep as I ponder my thoughts of how he could have hurt her so much.

//Author's Note\\

So this was a cute ass chapter, very sweet/soft Harry.


Treat People With Kindness!

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