This Shade Of Vermillion Is For You. [AustinCarlile] {sinandsinner}

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{If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On.}

"Austin! Dammit! Give me back my iPod!" I cried, jumping to try and pull it from his grip.

Which, for any human on the planet, is an impossible feat.

He grinned, shaking his head and keeping it even farther above his head.

"Nope. Sorry, Marissa." he stated with a shrug. I narrowed my eyes.

"Carlile. iPod. Now." I muttered.

He shook his head. "Nope. Not until you finish the book."

I let out a groan. "Austinnnnnnnnn... It's so boring..." I whined.

He let out a laugh, slipping my iPod into his pocket. I sat down on the couch with a pout. Since I was traveling with them on the road, I still had to go to college, which I was doing online.

In my English class,they were requiring us to read Romeo and Juliet.

It was the most boring book I had ever read. Boring. It was so hard to stay focused on it, and all the words Shakespeare used twirled around in my head in endless waves of confusion.

My brown irises flashed up at the vocalist, mentally begging for him to just let me read it later.

"Austin, please, it's so boring." I stated, sighing.

He grinned. "I have an idea. Let's make this interesting."

I raised an eyebrow, brushing some brown hair from my face. "What? How?"

"I'll be Romeo. You be Juliet." he said with a grin. I grinned back, but the thought of Austin being my Romeo and me being his Juliet made my heart skip a beat.

"Um... O... Okay..." I stuttered.

He grinned. "Um, okay, what part are you on?" he asked, picking up my book and shuffling through it.

"Uh, the balcony scene, I think."

"Okay, we'll start there."

I nodded as he began to speak. "See how she leans her cheek upon her hand, oh, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" he read, and for a moment I said nothing.

He sounded so perfect. "Marissa?" I heard, and I snapped out of it, reading the next line.

"Ay me." I said.

He began again. "She speaks. O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air." he said, and nice again I was in a state of amazement.

I spoke again, stuttering out the words. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet."

Austin grinned, and started leaning forward lightly. Oh God. Was he going to kiss me? Was he?

Our faces got close, almost touching, and he was about to kiss me.

His phone went off, showing the name of his actual girlfriend on the screen.

I swallowed. He had a girlfriend. Why was this happening?

"Sorry." he said awkwardly, passing me my iPod and running off the bus to take the call.

I just kinda sat there in a minute. In a daze.


{The Course Of Love Never Did Run Smooth.}

It's been about a month since we had that awkward moment, and Austin seemed to have forgotten about it.

That kinda hurt, but I understood, y'know, he had a girlfriend.

I sat in my Metallica shirt, listening to my iPod. I'd finished the book. After that instance with Austin, I understood the book a lot easier.

So I'd gotten my iPod back. It was just me, Alan and the guys, along with Austin had gone out.

So I wasn't expecting it when Austin burst through the door, throwing his backpack onto the couch, anger, confusion, and hurt flashing through his irises.

"I can't do this anymore!" he yelled, scaring the crap out of me and making me pull off my headphones.

"Austin? What's wrong?" I asked.

"She... She dumped me..." he stuttered, sitting down on the couch a few feet away. He looked so broken, and I hated it.

"The course of love never did run smooth." I quoted with a small chuckle.

That seemed to have pissed him off, because he looked up, his dark eyes darkening lightly.

"This isn't something you joke about. I loved her. I need her in my life. You don't know what the hell it feels like to love someone with everything you have and they just don't love you." he stated, his tone forceful and harsh.

I swallowed. "Yes, Austin I do." I said quietly.

He scoffed. "Whatever, just stay away from me." he said harshly, going back to his bunk.

Small tears came to my eyes. What was I supposed to do now?

{Soon I'll show you how a heart can never fail, never change. I'll never change.}

The tour ended. I didn't speak to Austin until the rest of the tour. I couldn't. It was too hard.

I went back to school.

I aced the Romeo and Juliet test. I understood all of it now.

Since I've been studying all week, and it's Friday night, I decided to go out.

I'm going to a Slipknot concert. My friend had gotten me a ticket.

I made my way through the venue, closer to the front.

The concert started and Corey Taylor made his way across the stage, and we began cheering.

"Before we start, we have a very special guest who has something to say." he began, and I raised an eyebrow, who could it be?

And right before my eyes, the boy I loved more than anything, Austin Carlile, arrived on stage.

He looked sad. His eyes were towards the ground and he just looked broken.

"Hey, guys, I'm Austin Carlile." he began, and I watched intently.

"I made a mistake. You see, how many of you know the story of Romeo and Juliet?" he asked, getting a chorus of 'yes' from the crowd.

"Well, I know this girl. I was helping her study for her test over the book. And I told her that I would be Romeo, and she would be Juliet. And we read the balcony scene together." he began.

Some tears came to my eyes. He was talking about me.

"And then my actual girlfriend dumped me, and I yelled at this special girl. And I told her to stay away from me. I screwed it up." he stated, and I felt my heart break.

"So she loves Slipknot, so every night, I sing a song of theirs that describes my feelings. So I'm going to be singing Vermillion. This is for Marissa." he said, and began to sing the song.

I was crying now, and my brown eyes kept looking up at him as he sang. He sounded so broken and it hurt me.

When the song was over he thanked the crowd and slipped off the stage. I pushed side stage, to where I could see him drinking some water.

"Austin?" I called, and he looked up, looking like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Ma... Marissa?" he called back. I pushed farther up to the side, and he just kinda stared at me.

"Oh God, Marissa I'm so sorry. I never meant any of that. Thought about what I said to you for a long time. I never realized it before, but I... I love you..." he stuttered out.

I looked up at him. "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?" I called out, like when we had done the balcony scene.

"With you forever." he said, and leaned down, actually kissing me this time.

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