Chapter 19

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Jo's POV

I sit in the backseat of the cab, watching as the trees disappear one by one on my way to the airport. The driver has attempted a few times to make small talk, but my mind is occupied by other things.

Last night was amazing. From dinner, to Hero's reaction to me in that dress, to our time spent exploring each other's bodies so passionately. I didn't want it to end.

The rest of our night was spent in bed. We had sex a second time and it was somehow better than the first. The way that my body felt with Hero's was just... perfect. I fell asleep nestled into his arm, our naked bodies close to one another. When I woke this morning, my head hurt just a little, I'm guessing from all the wine. We had sex one last time this morning. Even sober, it was amazing.

I had barely no time to pack once I returned to my hotel room after doing the 'walk of shame' down the hall, carrying my heels and clutch in hand.

I showered right away after I got into my room. When I got out, I noticed two small red marks on the left side of my neck. Hero would feel bad if he knew he'd left them, but I ran my fingers over them and got goosebumps remembering how they got there.

Hero helped me carry my bags down to the lobby and we said our goodbyes in front of the car that had picked me up. I tried to stay strong and not let a single tear fall when he kissed me on my forehead, his arms wrapped around me tightly.

He doesn't leave for home until later this evening. I wonder what he will do all day now that he will be alone.

As the car pulls up to the drop off area at my terminal, I wipe away a tear that has been sitting in my waterline for a few minutes now. As happy as I am go be returning home to my family and friends, there is something familiar about the place I've called my home for the last few months. I have Hero to thank for that.

Within the hour, I board my plane, luckily sitting next to a window. Before I put my phone on Airplane mode, it vibrates in my hand, almost startling me.

*I'm bored already. Hope you have a safe flight* The text is from Hero.

Before I can respond, the petite blonde flight attendant is standing directly next to my isle, somewhat yelling into the speaker for everyone to turn off their devices. I guess I will have to wait until I land, hopefully it's not too late then.

I place my phone into my bag underneath my seat and take out a book I picked up at a bookshop here in Georgia during my stay. I'll read until I can't keep my eyes open anymore and pray that this flight finds it's way home quickly.

As I open to the first page of the book, I find it hard to concentrate on the words in front of me. My mind is racing with thoughts and images of last night still. After re-reading the second sentence for the forth of fifth time, I close my book and lay it in my lap, watching out the window as the plan ascends and all I see are clouds.

I close my eyes and think of the boy who has made me feel so alive.

The end.


Thank you to all who read the first series! It was my first go at it and once I started I literally couldn't stop! I wanted the ending to sort of lead into the next part of the series which I've already started on, focusing on the next time Jo and Hero work together for After We Collided. Stay tuned for that 😊 Let me know in the comments about what you liked/disliked about part one. Thank you again! -JES

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