Chapter 15

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Jo's POV

Dinner was amazing, it really did deserve all the good reviews it had as Hero mentioned when we arrived. I had the garlic roasted chicken with a wedge side salad and Hero went with a filet and side of asparagus. We laughed and reminisced about our time here in Georgia the last few months. Our waiter was great and was never late to notice that either of our drinks were gone. At one point, I opted to try the blackberry mule special. I'm not one for beer, but the ginger beer wasn't so bad.

After our check came and Hero insisted I stop asking to help pay, we finished what left of our drinks we had. I could tell by this point I was beginning to get a little tipsy by the redness I could feel creeping upon my cheeks. Hero might have started feeling the same as I noticed his eyes starting to have a glossiness to them over time.

"Well, shall we head back? As much as I'd love to stay here and drink more of these, I don't know how well they'd appreciate that," Hero holds his empty whiskey glass just above the table with a smile.

"I suppose," I respond as he begins to pull my chair out for me. He's such a gentleman. Except for when things are getting hot and heavy. Then, he's much more commanding. I love the contrast.

We arrive back to the hotel, ive found it harder to walk in my heels when we step out of the car; it must be due to all the alcohol. We ride the elevator to the ninth floor and I make my way out as Hero follows me.

"If you want, I got us a few bottles of wine in my room," he says while taking my hand in his. "That is, if it's not too late." He smiles. When we left the restaurant my phone read 9:22pm.

"I'd love that," I smile up at him and he kisses my lips. The taste and smell of whiskey overwhelm my senses. I want every part of this man, right here, right now. I know it's not just the alcohol talking either because every encounter we have leaves me wanting more.

We walk hand in hand to the end of the hallway, Hero inserts his room key and the door clicks as he pushes it open. He motions for me to go ahead and I step foot into what may be our wildest night yet.

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