Chapter 11

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Jo's POV

As I open my eyes, I notice sunlight peaking through the bottom of the floor length curtains. I lift my head to check the time. 9:30am. Not bad for staying up half the night. Hero's back is turned to me and I place my hand on his shoulder, kissing him on the back of his neck.

He begins to turn over, letting out a groan. "What time is it?" His voice is so rough and sexy in the morning.

"9:30. It felt good to sleep in for once." I run my fingers along his arm as he lays on his back, looking at the ceiling.

"I slept great. Must have been worn out from all the activities last night," he smiles, turning his eyes onto me.

"Must have been," I giggle and kiss his cheek.

"I do know that I'm in dire need of coffee right about now," I say and move the covers from on top of my body. I stand to the side of the bed, my oversized t shirt hanging off of me, my shorts wrinkled. There is a mirror on the wall across from the foot of the bed and I catch a glance of myself in it.

I stand there for a second, beginning to reach for my phone which has been charging all night, and notice Hero's reflection in the mirror make a move. He removes himself from the bed and is walking towards me. My eyes stay steady on his, as do his, connected in the mirror.

I watch as he stands directly behind me, placing one arm around my waist while the other moves my hair from around my neck. I tilt my head to the right, my head touching his shoulder and he kisses my exposed skin.

"Before we do anything, I have an idea," Hero whispers into my neck. Goosebumps form on my entire body and I can't seem to take my eyes off of this man's reflection.

Hero moves his hand from around my waist, under my shirt. His fingertips colder than the skin on my stomach and I let out a small gasp. I watch as he lifts my shirt to expose my stomach and gently pulls it over my head.

I can feel his erection rubbing against my back, and it turns me on even more than his actions. Before I know it, he's unfastening my bra from behind. The lacey material falls to the ground and I'm left staring at the reflection of my bare breasts in the mirror.

He never takes his eyes off of me, almost like he's waiting to see what my reaction will be next. My breasts look much larger than normal, maybe it's the lighting? Or lack there of? The hotel room is dark, with only the sunlight peaking through from the window and the light in the bathroom still on.

"You're beautiful," he whispers into my ear, taking one of my breasts into his hand. He massages it lightly still holding onto my waist.

"Take off the rest," he quietly commands. His eyes burning into mine through the mirror.

He loosens his grip on my body and I slide my shorts down the length of my legs, followed by my panties separately. I'm standing there, in front of him, completely naked for the second time in 24 hours.

"Now, let's make sure you're fully awake, shall we?" he deeply says and gathers my hair behind my neck. My stomach is doing backflips and I'm wondering what in the world he plans to do with me.

His right hand travels to the base of my throat while his left hand slides down from my stomach to my hip bone. His grip on me is commanding, but not harsh. I've never been taken control of like this before, and I love it.

His fingertips begin to move over my most sensitive area, he makes room for his hand by moving my thighs further apart. I watch intently as his finger disappears inside of me.'

"Oh my, God," I moan and throw my head back onto his shoulder once again. His finger moves in and out of me at a torturing slow pace. My eyes have now closed and I'm beginning to slip into a state of total euphoria.

"Open your eyes." His voice almost startles me. I struggle to open my eyes but they meet with his once again.

"I want you to watch, just like I am." His voice is deep and slow, I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

I do as I'm told and never take my eyes off of myself in the mirror. After what seems like forever, Hero removes his finger from inside me only to return with two this time. I let out a yelp and my breathing hitches for a moment.

With this hand gripping tighter around my throat, Hero whispers into my ear, "I want you to come just like you did last night, okay?" I quietly nod my head and he grins.

"Oh, God.. that feels so good," I piece my words together. My breath is heavy and my chest is rising and falling. His fingers continue to move in and out, only now he's picking up the pace.

"That's it. I can feel how wet you are. You're almost there." Hero darkly says.

My stomach begins to tighten and I feel my body going numb. I let out a moan, followed by another orgasm and watch has Hero removes his fingers from inside of me. My legs are weak and almost shaking. He is holding me up, smiling at our reflections in front of us.

I shyly smile at his and begin to turn around so our faces are close.

"I thought you hadn't read the books," I say quietly, referring to what just happened as an almost replica of a moment Tessa and Hardin shared early on in the series in Tessa's dorm room.

"I may have read a little last night after you fell asleep. You had that part marked, I figured it might be one of your favorites." Hero smiles and pushes my hair back away from my face.

It is in fact on of my favorites. The way Hardin takes control of Tessa, showing her what letting go really feels like is enough to put any girl over the edge. Never in a million years did I think I would have the same done to me, with my costar of all people.

Hero leans down and kisses me on the lips. I embrace him and feel his hands around my face.

"I think I'm awake now, but I still need coffee," I laugh as I back away from him.

"You get ready, I'll go get some. I probably need to shower at some point too," he smiles while putting his shirt back on.

I make my way into the bathroom and close the door. My naked body staring back at me in the mirror. I trace my fingertips along my collar bones, where Hero's hands were gripping me during our most recent encounter. There are no marks left, thankfully. His grip was forceful but not that hard. I liked it. I wanted him to take control, but I didn't mind doing the same just like I had last night.

After showering, placing a light amount of makeup on my eyes and loosely curling my hair, I hear a knock at my door. Hero is standing there, two coffees in hand. I reach out and take one from him as he follows me inside.

"Thank you so much." I take a small sip, careful not to burn my tongue.

I look at him and realize he has changed his clothes and his hair is still slightly wet. He's dressed in blue jeans, a dark grey t shirt and white nike shoes. He looks good.

"You look nice." He says while looking at me. I'm dressed in distressed blue jeans, cuffed at the bottom, a white v neck t shirt and sandals.

"Thank you," I smile. Bringing my coffee to my lips once again.

"I didn't know if you had plans today, but I saw there is a museum not far from here posted in the lobby." Hero says. The idea of us spending the day together almost makes me more worried than doing anything sexual with him. That seems to come easily but what if anything else doesn't?

"That sounds amazing. I love museums. Especially here in the states, they're so different than back home."

"It's 11:00 now, I think they open at noon. If you want we can walk and see if anything catches our eye on the way?" He asks.

"Perfect." Our eyes meet and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

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