Chapter 9

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Jo's POV

"I'd better go, I told my mom I'd call her tonight when we finished." Hero begins to get up from the bed.

"Okay, that sounds good. I will see you tomorrow," I walk him to the door. Before he opens it, he turns to face me again. I wait in anticipation as he leans down and kisses my lips softly.

"Goodnight." He whispers.

"Goodnight." I stand back as he leaves the room. My stomach is in knots. I had to put a stop to whatever was about to happen tonight. I could have easily had sex with Hero, God knows I wanted to, but what if it made the rest of this process awkward? There's still too much filming yet to be taking chances like that.

He seemed to be understanding about the whole thing. I have slept with only one person in my life. An ex-boyfriend in high school back home. We had dated for years and it just sort of happened one night at a party. I may not be the most experienced in bed, but I'd like to think I wouldn't be horrible.

I can't help but think of how badly I didn't want kiss after kiss to end tonight. I stand up to turn off the lamp across the room and hear my phone buzz in the bathroom.

*Tonight was great. I'm sorry again for today. Hope I made it up to you.*

Hero's text reads across my screen.

*Definitely did. Can't wait for tomorrow* I reply.

I set my phone down on the night stand and crawl into bed.

Morning comes early, I wake and brush my teeth. I make my way to the studio and am greeted by staff.

"Morning Jo," Anna beams. Her hair is up today, which it almost never is.

"Morning!" I return the smile and take a sip of coffee.

"Just wanted to let you know what the plan is for today. We are going to start with Ken's wedding scene. It's a pretty long one so it will take most of the day. We will end with Tessa and Hardin in the apartment, and then it will happen."

"And then what will happen?" I ask, taking another sip.

"Hardin takes her virginity. Girl, did you not read the script at all?!" She chuckles and begins to walk away.

That's right. Hardin and Tessa sleep together. Such a powerful moment in the movie. I can't believe it's here so soon.

My thoughts are interrupted by Hero's body in the mirror's reflection.

"Morning, Jo," he rests his hand on my shoulder. Here they come again, the butterflies.

"Morning. How was the rest of your night?"

"Lonely. Not as fun." Our eyes meet in the mirror. He grins and I try not to as I take another sip of coffee.

Soon, we are being called for by the director. Anna was right, the wedding scene did take up almost all day. Every detail counted. Before we leave for the day, we have one more thing to do. The sex scene.

"ACTION!" Hero and I move closer to the bed in Tessa and Hardin's apartment. Our lips are locked together and this feels as good if not better than last night.

"I want you now," I deliver my line and Hero's eyes pierce into me. He begins to unzip my dress and I remove his shirt.

"CUT! Okay, so now let's switch this up. Jo, go ahead and lay down on the bed. Hero, you climb over her.." the director is positioning us. If he wouldn't have stopped us, we probably would have found our way to this point anyway.

"Okay, when I yell action, you know what follows."


I lay on the bed, breasts exposed. I know I probably should feel awkward but I'm an actress, this is part of my job. Plus, because it's such an intimate scene, the people allowed on set today was cut short.

Hero reaches to his right and picks up a condom from the night stand.

"You sure?" he says.

I nod, "Yeah.."

Oh, how I wish we were alone. Like last night. I know I put an end to where things were headed last night but at this point, I wouldn't care.

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