Chapter 2

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Hero's POV

"Oh there's Samuel! I need to talk to him. I'm sorry to cut this short but who knows when I'll find him again in this big of a crowd. You two have fun and enjoy the party!" Anna darts in between Josephine and I leaving just the two of us standing alone. I watch as she makes her way through the crowd and then shift my gaze back to the short, petite blonde in front of me. When she spoke I swore I heard an accent peaking through. I need to make sure.

"Well then, just the two of us. I guess we should be expecting that seeing as how we are the two lead parts," I say with a smile. Josephine giggles and looks down at her shoes. She's wearing a white lace dress that stops just below the knee with thin straps on her shoulders and black heels that reveal her toes, painted a dark red. They look perfectly manicured and I can't help but stare myself for a second.

"Would you Mind if I sat?" I point to the table she was sitting at to start the night off. "No not at all!" She exclaims and begins to pull her chair out again. I watch her as she bends slightly forward, revealing slightly more of her cleavage before she sits down, legs crossed. I try not to stare as I myself become seated, the last thing I want is to come off as a total creep before we even start filming. That would sure put a damper on this whole thing and probably ensure that I was no longer employed.

"So, Josephine.."

"Please you can call me Jo. It's pretty much all I go by back home anyways." She states cutting me off.

"Of course. Jo.. where are you from? I feel like I should put my money on Australia but who knows I could be wrong?" I stare at her, until she looks up from the table at me with the biggest eyes I think I've ever seen. Are they blue? They look more complex than blue but I quickly look away.

"Yes I was born and raised in Australia. I still live there actually with my family. But, there are nowhere near as many acting opportunities there as here in America." She says.

"Tell me about it. I'm from London. It isn't exactly known for that either." I laugh.

"An Australian and a Brit to play a couple of American teenagers. Hopefully we live up to it," I laugh again. She smiles at me and I feel my cheeks start to flush. Damn it Hero, get it together. You act like you've never talked to a girl before. You're a paid actor and a model for Christ sake I remind myself. Sure, this may all be true but I don't know if I have ever seen someone as beautiful as Jo.  

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