Chapter 5

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The day seems to go by fast. Everyone on the crew is so nice and helpful. I didn't forget a single line and I leave the shoot feeling proud of myself. Hero and I work well together and it makes me excited for what is yet to come.

As the sun begins to set, I make my way back to the hotel, stopping at a deli on the way. I'm not all that hungry but I figure I need to eat something. I decide to take the stairs back up to the ninth floor today. As I reach my floor I am out of breath. I push the door to the stairwell open and begin to make my way down the hall. As I approach the elevator, I hear it ding. It's reached the ninth floor. Perfect timing. As I get closer the doors open and out steps Hero. He's shirtless and dripping with sweat. I stop in my tracks and hope I didn't just gasp out loud.

"Oh, hey. Just getting back?" He asks, wiping sweat from his forehead with a towel.

I stand in the middle of the hallway, sandwich in hand , trying not to stare but it's hard. He is so.... Hot? Is that the right word? Yes. I watch as his glistening body moves out of the elevator towards me, his tan skin almost shining from the sweat.

" Yeah, I stopped at that little deli around the corner. Figured I better eat something. Did you go for a swim?" I ask, looking down at my feet.

"No, I was running. Their gym here is pretty nice." Hero still seems a little out of breath. What is wrong with me? He's going to think I'm a stalker who's never seen a shirtless man before. I quickly glance at his abdomen one more time before his face.

"Well, I'm going to go. Better eat this before it gets soggy and prepare for tomorrow." I give him a small smile as I motion down the hall towards my room.

"Yeah I better go shower. I'm pretty gross right now," he laughs. He's not gross. He's the exact opposite. I wouldn't exactly say that I find a sweaty man attractive but this is something else. Hero is thin but muscular. I can't help but notice that his abs flex when he laughs and I just want to touch him all of a sudden..

No I will get my chance soon enough while filming. There are more than enough intimate scenes and I don't need to get ahead of myself. I've known him for a day. Oh, God what if he has a girlfriend back home? I never thought of that. Before my mind starts racing we say goodbye and I hurry to my room. What is happening to me?

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