Chapter 3

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Jo's POV:

"Can I get you another drink?" Hero motions towards my almost empty wine glass sitting in front of me on the table.

"Yes that'd be great! I did have whatever Red they had available up there but honestly it's way too dry than what I'm used to. Can I get a white this time?" I shyly ask?

"I'll see what I can do," Hero returns my smile as he excuses himself from the table. He is even taller now as he stands over me. I watch as he makes his way through the crowd, saying the occasion 'hello' as he approaches the bar. I lean my head on my hand, my elbow resting on the table and can't seem to take my eyes off him. The bartender hands him a wine glass filled almost to the top with white wine and another shorter glass with a darker brown liquid in it I assume to be some sort of whiskey.

Before I know it he turns around and starts to make his way back to our table, I make a point to stop looking at him before he catches me.

"She said this one is definitely not as dry," his voice comes from behind me. He sets the glass down in front of me and is once again seated.

"Thank you so much. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." I take a sip from the glass and can tell this one is way more to my liking.

"And what have you got yourself there?" I motion to Hero's glass that he has now brought to his lips. He waits to reply until after he's swallowed and licked his lips.

"Bourbon. I'm not a huge drinker but I did turn 21 earlier this year so I figured it would be a shame not to have something here. Plus, it is a party after all," He replies.

"I turned 21 not long ago too," I say with a small smile.

"So, what made you audition for this part?" Hero asks me as I take another sip.

"Well, I had really been wanting to branch out, do something a little more out of my comfort zone. Plus, I had been looking for a little more mature of a role and when I read the script I sort of fell in love. What about you?" I say. The crowd behind us begins to become louder than before. I supposed all the alcohol being consumed is to blame for that.

"My manager gave me the script. She just called me up one day and said there was a part in a movie for a tall, dark haired British guy. I figured I'd have to be pretty out of my mind not to at least audition." Hero smiles. How is it that his conversation feels so effortless? I've known this guy for all of five minutes but it feels like it's been forever.

"I had no idea the movie was based off of a book, well a series I guess," I say picking up my glass again. "I kind of went on a binge once I found that out and read all of them in a week. Long flights are perfect for that," I add.

"I haven't read them," Hero states. My mouth slightly opens.

"WHAT?!" I say, much louder than intended.

"Oh, Hero you have to! They really helped me understand my character!" I say, hoping I didn't offend him. That'd just be perfect before we even start filming.

To my surprise he laughs, bringing the glass to his lips once again.

"That may be true but I kind of like putting my own spin on Hardin. The script was helpful enough," Hero says. His glass is almost empty and I start to feel my body temperature rising which never seems to fail when I drink alcohol.

"Suit yourself," I finish off my glass of wine and pull my phone from inside my clutch on the table. 10:48pm. It's getting late and I still have so much to do to get ready for the first day of filming tomorrow. Thankfully, they pushed our call time back to mid morning probably because they knew this party would run late.

"Well, I think I may have to turn in for the night. I was going to run lines one more time before I went to bed and I probably won't be able to sleep much anyway," I say as I begin to push my chair back away from the table.

"I was thinking the same. Are you staying here as well?" Hero asks while beginning to stand himself.

"Yes, ninth floor!"

"Mind if I walk back with you?" he asks, I can feel his eyes on me but I don't look up.

"Sure, that'd be great." We begin walking from the large ballroom into the hotel lobby. The elevator reads main floor and I push the button to floor nine as we step inside.

"And where am I dropping you off?" I say with a smile.

"You've already got it," Hero motions to the lit button on the wall panel.

"Oh, cool!" We ride the elevator the rest of the way in silence. Once it reaches our floor he motions for me to go ahead of him. I begin walking to the furthest end of the hallway and he joins me.

"Well, here I am. 941." I point to my door.

"Perfect, well I hope you can get some rest. Don't be nervous about tomorrow, I know I'm excited," he says with a smile.

"Me too, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jo," Hero turns on his heel and begins to walk down the hallway once again. I open my clutch and find my keycard. I look down the hall when I hear a doorknob click from the other end of the hall. If his room was all the way down there why did he bother to walk me to mine? Seems a little out of the way.

I push my way inside my room and turn on the light. Everything is left the way it was before the party. I slide out of my heels and sit on the edge of the bed. Ugh, heels. So cute but such a pain. I change and take my makeup off. After my nightly routine is finished I crawl into bed and begin reading from the script. We are starting tomorrow off with the party scene. Seems fitting because our characters don't know each other at that point and we don't really either. 

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