Clarity thought her sufferings were all worth it.

Amidst her satisfying thoughts, she subconsciously bit down on her lips. It was a simple action, but that was all it took to initiate a change in Taehyung's expression.

At that moment, the air in the room shifted into something different. A storm, perhaps?

Taehyung's lips moved towards her as he spoke.

"Are you done with your work?"

"Huh?" She blinked twice.

"Your work. Are you done?"

"Well, I'm pretty close. But why—"

He cut her off by pushing his lips onto hers.

Oh. This was why.

Eyes blinking with surprise, Clarity was momentarily dazed before relaxing her body to kiss him back. It was a deep, prolonged kiss, and she could feel the smile on Taehyung's face as well as her own.

It was at that moment.

Her heart missed a step, face heating up immediately as the man's tongue made contact with her lower lip, closing the distance between them as slid into her mouth.

Where did he learn all of this from?

Mind slipping away, Clarity managed to squeeze out a few drops of rationality as her hand hurriedly moved to tap Taehyung back before both of them succumbed to their desires. It wasn't because she didn't want to continue. Not at all. But as much as she had wanted to explore these things with him, something had forced her back into reality.

Taehyung's phone, having been buzzing in his pocket for the past few minutes, was screaming for attention.


Finally noticing the sound, Taehyung reluctantly pulled away, slightly breathless as he shoved his phone to his ear.

"What?" His voice was audibly irritated, and Clarity let out a chuckle.

"What's with the attitude? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Jimin's charming voice sang on the other side of the call. "Hobi, Namjoon and I have decided to make some desserts. Oh, Miss Naron is here too. We can't find the brown sugar. You know where everything's placed in the house. Is the sugar in the first or second storage closet?"


"Oh, wait. Never mind, we just found it. Who the hell puts sugar in the fridge? Anyways, since I'm a nice person, I'm inviting you to join in making this wonderful ca—"

"Not interested." Taehyung's response was curt and blunt as he was about to hang up. With Clarity successfully flipping his on-switch, the man's rationality was long out the window as the only thing he could only focus was the girl before his eyes.

Noticing his wild and unsettling gaze, Clarity unknowingly gulped.

The short phone call had cleared her mind a bit, and eyeing Taehyung before her, Clarity had a feeling that if she allowed the hungry-looking man continue, she'd soon be facing a whole different consequence. Laughing nervously, she quickly grabbed the phone from his hands and spoke into the mic.

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