Chapter ten

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A couple days after the party, Tony was sitting in his workshop on a couch working on the arm of his suit. He was watching TV with a scowl on his face. The news channel he was watching was reporting on what was happening in Gulmira.

"The 15-mile hike to the outskirts of Gulmira can only be described as a descent to hell, into modern day Hear of Darkness. Simple farmer and herders from peaceful villages have been driven from their homes, driven from their land by warlords emboldened by a new-found power. Villagers have been forced to take shelter in whatever crude dwellings they can find in the ruins of other villages, or here in the remnant of an old soviet smelting plant." The show then cuts to a video clipping of villagers running from bullets as guns were being fired everywhere. Tony clenched his hand and in result the suits' blaster started to light up, then slowly simmered down once he released his fist. "Recent violence has been attributed to a group of foreign fighters referred to by the local as the Ten Rings." On the screen Tony recognized the leader of the group who kidnapped him. Tony's body tensed in both anger and worry, he thought that guy was dead. Apparently not. "As you can see, these men are heavily armed and on a mission. A mission that could prove fatal to anyone who stands in their way. With no political will or international pressure, there's very little hope for these refugees." 

Tony stood up from the couched and walked to his mini bar behind him, he through threw the screw, that he had been using on his suit, on the counter top. Tony slowly looked over at his side and raised his arm. He wanted to test out the arm of the suit, and its blaster. It fired up and shot across the room knocking down a light, send sparks everywhere, and blowing papers off the spots on the work tables. Tony tilted his head and walked forward a couple of steps. 

"There's very little hope for these refugees. Refugees who can only wonder who, if anyone, will help." The British reporters voice tuned back in. Tony turned his body again to look at his reflection on the glass. The glass box the separate the stairs from the workshop had multiple glass panels. Tony scowled and raised his arm again. He fired three blaster shots from his hand at three of the separate panels. 

He was going to help those people.


Tony stepped up onto a platform in his workshop. It was a large square and had a graph pattern on it. Once he stepped into the middle of it, it opened up and transformed into a machine. The machine had large robotic arms that helped Tony suit up.

First he stepped into the suits shoes and it mechanically latched onto his foot. Then the rest of his suit was placed onto his body. Each part of the suit was being placed onto his body perfectly and he could hear each and every click as the suit put itself together and formed around his body. Lastly the helmet was placed on his head, and his determined face was blocked from view as it closed. 

After he was ready, he flew over to Afghanistan. He was a lot more prepared to fight them than he was before, and he was sure he was going to win.

A couple hours of flying later and he landed in the middle of a town, right in time to stop and innocent man from getting shot in front of his family. Tony landed in front of one of the men who held him captive, the large tan one. 

In response to his landing, a man started to shoot at Tony but the bullets did nothing as Tony walked up to him and punched him into a nearby building. He then quickly turned and blasted another soldier who was planning to sneak attack him. He blasted people away left and right before turning to the truck that was holding hostages. He raised both hand blasters to shoot the soldiers but dropped them once he realized that they had gun pointed at women and their children. Inside the suit he scanned each soldiers before tiny missile launchers were raised from his shoulder pads, they released tiny bullets that shot each soldier. As the soldier dropped dead he watched as a young boy pulled away from his mother and ran to his father. Tony stomped to the area where he saw the fat man run to, he could hear him dialing a phone number. He was hidden inside a building and to get him out, Tony punched his arm through the wall and yanked him out. He through him in front of the villagers and left the man defenseless. He turned on his 'rocket boots' and hovered above the ground. 

Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now