Chapter four

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The two were working on their project, as usual, when the guards from outside their cell opened the large metal door. Tony and Yinsen stood up from their stations and put their hands on their head. The group of soldiers split into two sides and a scary, intimidating man walked into the room. He was tan, bald, and wearing camouflage like the rest of the soldiers. He had on a scarf and wore a vest, probably filled with weapons. He was definitely in charge of the terrorist army He slowly walked over to the two prisoners.

"Relax." His accent was thick as he spoke to the two. He raised his hand and then slightly lowered it, as a way to say 'calm down'. Tony slowly and cautiously lowered his hands to his sides, as well as Yinsen. "The bow and arrow, once was the pinnacle of weapons technology." The leader walked closer up to Tony and put his hand on his chest. He removed his hand and walked back to the center, "it allowed the great Genghis Khan to rule from the pacific to the Ukraine. An empire twice the size of Alexander the Great and four times the size of the Roman Empire." The man picked up the blueprints that Tony and his partner were using to help build their creation. "But today, whoever holds the latest Stark weapons, rule these lands... And soon, it will be my turn." Yinsen and Tony looked at each other nervously.

The man then walked back in front of Tony and as the two made eye contact, the leader said something in Urdu. He apparently asked Yinsen a question, because instead of translating like usual, Yinsen started to have a conversation. Tony looked between the two confused. He could see the Yinsen was tense, and it sounded like he was getting scolded in a foreign language. The man now walked infant of Yinsen and pushed him onto his knees. A soldier came up behind the poor man and pushed a gun against his neck as his boss went over to a furnace. The man in charge then grabbed a metal stick and looked down to Yinsen's trembling figure. He then laid Yinsens head onto a thin bench. The scary man held a hot rock in front of his face. Yinsen could feel the heat so close to his skin. They then started to yell at each other before Tony stepped forward.

"What, what do you want? A delivery date?" As he stepped forward the other soldiers in the room all raised their guns at Tony. He stopped and raised a hand to tell them to calm down. The leader looked up at Tony, while Tony looked down at Yinsen. "I need him. Good assistant." The leader then released the scorching hot rock he was holding to Yinsen's face. 

"You have till tomorrow to assemble my missile."

Tony needed to work harder and faster if he wanted to make it out of here alive.


Malibu California

It's been about three months. Three months since Stephanie saw Tony. No one knew if he was alive or dead or where he was. 

Stephanie sat on her bed coloring. Coloring was one of the few things she got to do before she was with Tony. She would draw on the walls of her cold dark room, with only a few colors. She was given blue, black, and red, which were now some of her favorite colors. They were her favorite because they were the only colors she knew. She grew up in a building that was an ugly grey, with dim yellow lights. She never knew the world consisted of bright green for the grass, a bright happy yellow for the sun, or the really pretty mixtures of colors on flowers. But now, Stephanie had so many colors. She had Red, Pink, Magenta. She likes magenta. She has oranges, and yellows, greens and different shades of purple. She loved the color blue, light blue specifically. It made her feel calm, it reminded her of the ocean. 

She also had paper now. She doesn't have to color on rough, grey, rocky walls. Her drawings were hung up in her room. They were the only thing that decorated her room other than the pile of stuffed animals that Tony and Pepper got for her. Her drawings were good, really good. They were detailed as well. Stephanie drew all sorts of things, anything she saw outside of the house. She drew trees, the beach, she drew people, she even drew a couple pictures of Tony. 

Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now