Chapter six

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As the car stopped at the group destination, Stephanie started to get nervous. She never liked crowds, it got her anxious. She subconsciously grabbed Peppers hand when a man, that she knew as uncle Obie, came up to the car to open Tony's door. Tony stepped out of his side of the car when her and Pepper got out on the other. 

Tony and Stephanie had some fries from Burger King, but they still had to eat the actual burgers. She would just finish it inside, most likely, Tony would as well.  Obadiah and Tony shared a quick reunion as happy brought over Tony's fast-food bag. Stephanie was carrying her own, for safe keeping... from Tony. 

"You just had to have a burger, yeah?" Tony chuckled and shrugged. Obie's hands were on his shoulder as he led Tony through the crowd of reporters. Stephanie, Pepper, and Happy trailed behind. 

When they walked inside of the building they entered a room with reporters, new stations, cameras, basically everything that got Stephanie nervous. Tony of course made his grand entrance, and Pepper greeted some people with a nod of her head as she passed by, but Stephanie kept quiet and started to look at her food that was practically calling her name. She loved burgers. It was something Tony and her had in common. As Tony walked through the sea of people Stephanie and Pepper stopped in the back.

When Pepper felt Stephanie's small hand leave hers she looked down and the little girl. Stephanie was knelt on the ground scavenging through her the food bag, searching for her burger, and hopefully one of the tiny toys her 'kids meal' came with. Pepper smiled but was surprised when a voice next to her popped up.

"Miss Potts?"

"Yes." She looked at the man beside her. He was shorter than her since she was on heels. Stephanie looked at this man as well. She recognized him, his name was Phil Coulson. He is a  SHIELD agent. Stephanie liked Phil, he was always very kind to her. She wanted to say hi, but she knew that would blow her cover, and she would have to explain how she knew a SHIELD agent. She didn't have time for that, not when a burger was right in front of her.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"I'm not apart of the press conference, but it's about to begin right now." Pepper looked down and tapped on Stephanie's shoulder a couple of times, signaling the 8 year old to get up. 

"I'm not a reporter." He smiled, "I'm agent Phil Coulson, with the Strategic, Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Stephanie released a huff of breath, it's been a while since she heard that mouthful.

"That's quite the mouthful."

"I know, we're working on it." He handed her a card. 

"You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA..."

"We're a separate division with a more specific focus. We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape." Pepper inhaled a breath and looked at the man aside her.

"I'll put something in the book, shall I?"

"Thank you." Be fore her walked away he leaned passed Pepper and looked at Stephanie. "Oh. uh, It was nice to see you again Steph." he nodded his head at the two of them and walked away. Stephanie raised a small hand and waved good bye, she could feel Pepper's confused stare but she just ignored it, and went back to looking threw her Burger King bag. 

"Uhhh," Obadiah was infant of the podium looking around for Tony, who disappeared out of nowhere. He looked down and saw Tony sitting on the floor infant of him.

"Hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down?" Tony reached into his pocket and pulled out his burger, and gestured to the people in the room to sit. At the request Stephanie gladly plopped onto the ground and trapped her own burger. "Why don't you jest sit down? That way you can see me, and I can... A little less formal and..." he took a bite of his burger. 

Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now