Chapter two

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Things to know

Italic - When people talk through phones, or anything robotic speaks

Bold & Italic - Stephanie Thoughts


Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan 

After a long flight filled with drinking, music, and hot dancing flight attendees, Tony Stark and Colonel Rhodes made it to Afghanistan. Helicopters a flying over as Tony exits the jet and walks onto the tarmac. Waiting for him are a group of soldiers. Tony walks over to the General and shakes his hand. "General." 

"Welcome, Mr.Stark. We look forward to your weapons presentation." Tony nods and goes to greet the other soldiers. 

Shortly after the introductions everyone headed to the location where Tony Stark would be giving a presentation, or demonstration, on his new weapons for the army. They end up in an area looking over a valley. Tony stands in front of the soldiers on a cliff, over looking the rocky valley.

Tony starts his speech with a question, "Is it better to be feared or respected? And I say, 'is it too much to ask for both?'" He takes a deep breath in before continuing. "With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line. It's the first system to incorporate our proprietary repulser technology." The soldiers stand in lines with their hands behind their backs, they all listen closer for what's to come. "They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon, you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it. That's how America Does it. And it's worked out pretty well so far." Tony looks out over the soldiers. There are missile launchers and other gadgets that will soon be explained. Behind him are mountains, that will eventually come in handy. "Find and excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even come out of their caves." He stops and motions over to someone and with the flick of his wrist the missile launchers come to life.

 The missiles are pointed to the sky, and one is launched, leaving behind nothing but an empty launcher and dust. Once his enough in the sky the missile opens up. Once opened many other tiny missiles fly out of their compartments and soar over towards the mountain range. The soldiers watch in astonishment while Tony, proudly smirks at what he created and speaks up.

"For your consideration... the Jericho." As he finishes his sentence the missile that were fired into the mountains explode. He raises his arms as the explosions go off behind him. The explosion was so powerful that everyone watching is slightly pushed back. Tony him self is pushed forward and has to take a couple steps forward to catch himself. As everyone calms down from the excitement, Tony walks over to a chest with his company's logo on it. As it opens alcoholic beverages rise up. He grabs himself a glass of what looks like to be scotch before mentioning it to the soldiers. "I'm throwing one of these in with every purchase of 500 million or more. To peace!" He takes a sip as his phone starts to vibrate in his pocket. He answers to see his friend, Obadiah Stane, in bed.

"Tony!" Stane exclaims.

"Obie, what are you doing up?" 

"Oh, I couldn't sleep till I found out how it went. How'd it go? "

"Went great, looks like it's gonna be an early Christmas." Tony smiles at his phone.

"Hey! Way to go, my boy! I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" 

"Hey, why aren't you wearing those pajamas I got you?" Tony jokes around. He opens a door to a military vehicle and settles in. 

"Goodnight, Tony."  Obadiah hangs up with a small lighthearted scoff. As the door closes behind Tony, Rhodes comes up to the door. "Hey, Tony." He taps on the window. Tony sticks his head out the window and looks to his friend with a small smirk.

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