Chapter eight

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Sorry, this is another short chapter. Read A/N at the bottom after reading. Enjoy!


Tony was standing in, what looked like, to be his garage. Behind him were a number of fancy cars, his two Dummy robots were there as well. One was recording in front of Tony and the other one was behind him waiting for instructions. He was wearing the exoskeleton of what would soon be his future Iron Man suit. He was seen looking off screen at someone. That someone being Stephanie who was sitting in a spinny chair by his work space. There were computers set up around her and multiple tables cluttered with Tony's blueprints, plans, and other random stuff. 

"Okay, now say it to the camera." After he said this, Stephanie moved around a table in her way and made it in front of the robot holding the camera. Her small head popped into the frame.

"Hi! Day number 11, test 37, configuration 2.0." She clapped her hand together to signal, that whatever was going on was about to start. Her bright blue eyes were lit up, and she had a small contempt grin on her face. Stephanie moved out of the cameras way so Tony was back in view. He turned to the Dummy behind him. 

"For lack of better option, Dummy is still on fire safety. If you douse me again, and I'm not on fire, I'm donating you to a city collage." He scolded the robot, which in response the robot seemed to let out a whine and lowed its head. "All right, nice and easy."

"Good luck."

"Thank you." Tony nodded his head at the little girl who was spinning on a chair, he tilted his head in confusion. "Seriously? Uh, okay. Just gonna start off with 1% thrust capacity." He got into position with his knees slightly bent, and his arms out in front of him. "Ready?" He shifted his gaze to Stephanie once more. 


"And three, two, one." When he got down to one, the blasters on his feet, and hands turned on. They looked like tiny rockets in Stephanie's opinion. She stopped spinning in her chair and looked at him with a proud expression. He hovered in the air for a bit before turning the blasters off and landing on his feet. Stephanie looked behind him to see that the Dummy on fire safety was following Tony's movements. "Please don't follow me around with it, either, 'cause I feel like i'm gonna catch on fire spontaneously. Just stand down and then if something happens then come in. And again, let's bring it up to 2.5." He got into position again and counted down. 

This time he hovered slightly higher than he did the first, but it seemed like he was having a hard time controlling what he was doing. He slowly flew around the room before making his way over to the cars. "Okay, this is not where I want to be." Stephanie put her hand up to her mouth to conceal the small giggles she let out. "No, no. Not the car, not the car!" Once he made his way past the cars he suddenly started to fly over to where Stephanie was seating. "Move, move!" Tony motioned to Stephanie to get out of the way so he didn't fly over her. She rolled her chair away as he flew over the table that she was sitting at. Stephanie shielded her face from the blasters that were close to her, and from all the paper being tossed around everywhere. Tony quickly stopped himself from going any further by putting his hand blaster in front of him, which blew him backwards.  He then managed to get a little bit of control and flew back over to where he was originally. Stephanie bit her lip nervously as he straightened himself out in the middle of the air and tried to land. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and made contact with the floor. He turned off his blasters and stood in the center of a platform, then he quickly turned to Dummy when he heard the robot reaching towards him again with the fire extinguisher. He reached his arm out to stop it. "No! Uh-uh! Uh-uh! Uh-uh!" The robot put his head down in shame. "Yeah. I can fly." Tony smirked.

"Can you make one for me too?" Stephanie's voice called out to him. 

"Uh, sure. When you're 18." She pouted and turned away in her chair. 


After those testings, Tony kicked her out of the workshop. So during her free time the 8 year old decided to clean her room, not that she could do a lot. Since her room was basically empty, the only thing she ever had to clean were a couple pieces of clothing she left on the floor. 

She threw a couple of socks into a hamper and looked around her room. It was plain and boring, and ever since she started to open up to people, everyone around her realized that she was a little chaotic. The room she slept in looked like a prison, if you walked into it you wouldn't know that an 8 year old slept there. Maybe she should ask Pepper to help her decorate her room. Stephanie walked to the wall of her room, she pressed a button and the wall soon transformed to a bunch of windows. She liked to sit in front of the window wall at night. The stars calmed her, and the ocean beneath her made her feel a sense of serenity. A moment of peace. 

Then it ended.

She saw a streak of light flying towards the Stark mansion before disappearing above the roof. It was quiet until she heard... thunder? She didn't know but after the large booming, came the sound of her piano, but it was way out of tune, and then another boom. At this, her fight or flight came in. And she usually chooses fight. 

She rushed to the source of the sound. She couldn't see anything except a large hole in the floor and ceiling. The hole in the floor led down to the basement, which is where Tony was. She hesitantly looked into the hole. She saw a large robot? It was silver and dusty, it was also laying on top of a car.

"Tony?" She called out, he lazily waved his hand before letting it drop next to him. "Are you okay?" He only groaned in response. "Uh, okay. I'm gonna go. Have fun doing... whatever you're doing." She walked away and Tony sighed. He laid there for a couple seconds before she returned. "I like the suit, by the way." She smiled and tucked some hair behind her ear, and walked away for good. 


After he crashed into one of his favorite cars, Tony got out of his suit and got some ice packs. He was walking around his workshop hoping to get a little more done. he eventually walked passed the items that Pepper dropped by earlier. A mug, some files, and a package. Tony picked up the mug and places it next to the box. 

On top of the wrapped present was a sticky note. 'From Pepper' it read. Tony put it to the side and ripped off the wrapping paper. Inside was a glass box containing the arc reactor that Tony had made when he was kidnapped, the first one that saved his life. He thought he told Pepper to throw it way but guess she had other plans. The arc reactor was placed on a metal stand, and engraved on it read, 'Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart' Tony clicked his tongue and smiled before placing it down and heading upstairs for the night.



I know, I know. It's been awhile and I'm sorry. I was busy and didn't have enough time to update. WHICH IS WHY, I am hoping to release more than one chapter today. If I'm not able to release more than one chapter today, I will be release a couple tomorrow. I want to try and get done as much as I can this weekend because I have to go back to school on Monday, and I don't know how often I'll be able to update during the schooldays. If stuff comes up I will probably start a schedule where I release most chapters on Saturdays and Sundays. But that only if I don't have time. Again, if you see any mistakes in my writing, please let me know so I can improve. Thanks

ALSO!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR. I am so glad that 2020 is gone and 2021 is here. Hopefully this year will be better. There's a lot going on in the world, and it can be scary.

Anywho, I hope you all are having an amazing day or night. Remember to eat, drink, and stay healthy. I love you all. BYE!


Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now