The Beginning

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"Order Up!"

That's my bossman. Yep, I worked at this hip restaurant wearing this all white dress, with a red tie around it and my name tag. I been working here for three years, not that I really needed to. I had everything I needed but not everything I wanted. See when my parents died two years ago, It still seemed fresh but I didn't have anyone that I could hold on too. Yeah, you can say that I am dumb but hey I'm not single. I have a fiancee at home except that he's not so easy to get along with sometimes.

My life hasn't been easy for a long time and for me to suddenly be getting ready for marriage soon, I am not happy about that. The way my life turned out, it just wasn't the life I was meaning or thought I was supposed to have. Me and my bestfriend Erin, work here at the Dizzle Diner and she became my best friend since I started. I tell her everything and her crazy ass always thought of something to cheer me up. She hates my fiancee, Shawn.

"Darla! Come on for order three! Time means money!!" My boss yelled. He wasn't this uptight but we was kinda busy today on the real and it just seemed like I was missing something special in my life. In due time, that something special is about to walk in this restaurant and blow me away. Whew! I can't wait for my lunch break.. a girl feet is killing her.

"Here's your order, sir! Steak, medium rare, mashed potatoes with butter, green beans and you diet coke. Let me know if you need anything." I said to the customer.

"Thanks ma'am!" said the customer.

Me and Erin were like the top employees at this diner. What makes it so hip is because is like a soul food place with mixed girls as the waitresses. Our boss is about black but his mother is the cooking queen. And they played all the slow jams stemming from the 60s to the 2000s.

I could have been laid up with a non abusive, psycho for a fiancee but he takes the life out of me and I can't even breathe right now. Coming here to work is my only outlet, then all these nice and sometimes angry customers treat me better than one man at home. Or where ever he was. The main problem is that I can be me at work but I am a scared, lonely, busted up woman, who doesn't even deserve to live.


"John, when I tell you that this launch is going to be big.. that's what I mean. Get ready.. it going to be a hit!!" I said.

"Man, mike come on man! Are you pulling my leg on this one?" He said.

"Man, do I ever let you down?" I asked.

"Ehh, so far no but I do have a good feeling about this one. Oh man, I forgot to tell you. I am having a party this Saturday night if you wanted to come. And being a good date this time man!" He said.

"John.. what was wrong with my last one?" I asked.

"Man that woman was weird. She just wasn't your type didn't you get one of those escorts like I told you?" He asked.

"John, I don't do them type of things anymore. I want to have someone special in my life." I said.

"Yeah well, Tatiana was a mess too. I'm sorry you went through--" I stopped him.

"Just please... don't say her name. I'm just focused on me now. She wasn't for me and I wasn't for her. That's it." I said.

"Your right but just for now.. man just get an escort. And keep your dick in your pants.. fuck around and catch something." He said.

"Nigga, I am clean... I don't clear the whole condom racks for nothing nigga. I'm straight, shit!" I said.

"Oh okay nigga.. I'll see your ass!" He said.

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