Chapter 14: Off With Her Head

Start from the beginning

They stood back up as they looked at the monstrosity in front of them, Chris and Sheva staggered in their spots as they aimed their guns at it. "That's won't do any good. Run!" Annabelle calls out and she ran up the steps. Chris and Sheva hurried after her as they dodged an incoming tentacle.

They pulled themselves back up as Annabelle stopped and waved for them to hurry. "Come on, this way!" Annabelle calls out, they hurried after her and duck at the tentacle that was swung right over their heads, and dodges the next one.

Then they immediately ran down the ramp and came to a dead-end, but Annabelle flash-steps onto the container then kneels down and held out her hand. Sheva ran to the container as Chris ran over as Annabelle grips Sheva's arm and he helps her up. Once Sheva was on top, they both turn to Chris and held their hands out to him, he grips their hands and they pulled him onto the container.

Then all three jumps over to the next side and ran for it, the parasites gave chase after the three as they hurried up the steps. Chris and Sheva jump for it, dodging the parasite arm, making Annabelle stop and look down at them. The two pulled themselves back up and hurried, making Annabelle take off as they stepped onto the deck.

They looked around, trying to find a place to hide, then Sheva spotted a door and taps Chris's shoulder, making him turn to her, "This way!" she calls out, Annabelle turns and looks at the door and they make a run for it.


Once inside the hall, the three stopped for a moment as they were catching their breaths. "Persistent son of a bitch." Chris states, Annabelle nods her head in agreement. "So now what? Do you think our weapons can hurt that thing?" Sheva asks as they caught their breaths and hurried into the hall, making a turn.

But before they came to the next turn, a tentacle breaks through the ship, trying to swing at them, but Chris immediately stops them as they waited for the tentacle out and it retreats out of the ship. "I dunno, but we gotta get the hell outta here before it destroys the place." Chris informs her as they make the turn and saw one of the tentacles scannings through the turn, "It's tearing through the ship! We can't stay here!" Sheva calls out.

Annabelle pulls out a grenade and tosses it to the tentacle then she pushed the two to covers and waited as an explosion went off, hurting the tentacle, she then peeks out and saw the way was cleared. She then signals the two and they hurried down the hall, making the turn.

As they walk through the hall, Sheva looks out the window, seeing the size of it. "My God... Look out big it's become!" she calls out. Then Annabelle grips her arm and pulls her along. "We have to keep moving or else we're dinner," she tells her, Sheva nods at her and they kept going.

They duck, evading an incoming tentacle, then continue up the steps to the second floor. They then turn and step into the next hall, but Infected pulled themselves off the ground and the three opened fire onto the Infected, killing them where they stood and blew their heads right off.

Once the hall was cleared they hurried, Chris swipes a keycard off the ground and they make the turn and headed into a lab, finding very old things left behind then Annabelle picks up a Notebook with the Initial S on it, so she opens the book and reads the notes inside:

Spencer's notes.

I just received word that Raccoon City has been wiped out. The Americans finally took action against us. I hope the irony of using the very military machine that was supposed to protect them from foreign attackers to kill their own people is not lost on them.

When danger posed by the threat of the T-Virus spreading was very real, I don't think Americans will easily forgive their government for the deaths of over 100,000 of their own people.

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