"Fie look it's Ron the human!" Ezra cuts in as he makes his way down the makeshift stage and over to the red faced man who beams brightly at Ezra's familiarity. A flare of irritation spikes up when I think back to how the blasted human held a knife to my throat a month or so ago, nonetheless, my curiosity peaks like it did previously when I remember the man is indeed human.

How peculiar.

"Apology accepted of course. If it wasn't for you I might not have met my mate." I say in a much happier mood, now knowing the first and maybe only person I'll have to meet today being Ron.

The man in question, parts from Ezra's overly friendly embrace as he drops to one knee with a clasped hand to his chest and head bowed.

"I'm honoured your Majesty." He says in a humble tone while I find myself insisting for the hundredth time in what feels like a span of thirty minutes for the person on the other end to call me Fie.

"You're a human, are you not Ron?" Ezra questions, attention still on the man who now stands back up to his full height which isn't much.

"Yes. A normal human. Nothing fancy going on about me unlike you werewolves." He chortles while I lean forward, half of me nearly off of the throne while I ponder his words.

I would call him the fancy one since he's the human here not us.

"What makes you so different than the rest of us?" I find myself inquiring, unable to help my nosiness peaking through.

"You mean other than the fact that he was so bold enough to grab a knife to my mate's neck."

Oh. If it isn't my lovely mate.

Glancing from a quickly approaching Malleus and over to a Ron who is just as quickly losing all colour to his face; I decide to rectify the situation by getting off of the throne and turning to my mate who engulfs me within the next second, the man already knowing what my intentions are.

Ron appears to be unable to breathe as his eyes widen before he's dropping onto the ground once more. This time fully bowed and nearly keeling over as the stench of nerves waft around the room. He's practically jittering as he mumbles apology after apology to which I nudge Malleus who doesn't seem keen on easing the man's nerves.

"He's just kidding of course Ron. Nothing to worry about." I say gently, hoping the man will realise my mate is just being a pain in the ass and not actually out to get him. Although the slight glare in my mate's quickly darkening eyes would have everyone thinking something completely in the opposite direction.

'He's a nice man. Let him live. He was only doing it to protect you. Ultimately, if you think about it too much, it'll end up being your fault if you follow the chain of events.' I inform Malleus, hoping he drops the ordeal entirely just as he steps behind me and hugs my back, putting his head above mine and practically pinning me to him to the point I can't even freely move.

'So you're saying it's my fault he pulled a knife to your throat.' The sarcasm rings clearly in my head as I clasp my hands across his which are looped around the centre of my stomach while I promptly nod.

'If you keep blaming the poor human then sure. I didn't end up dead and if not for him, you wouldn't have gotten with this fine piece of ass.' The kiss that is placed to the crown of my head has me smiling in triumph, already knowing I've one this round of petty arguments.

'I guess I can let it drop.' Is all he answers back with as Ron's voice cuts through once more.

"Your Majesty's, I came here for an update on the situation," He cuts himself off abruptly, eyes narrowed as he peers into the shadows, probably trying to figure out who's currently in the large hall and whether they're trustworthy or not. He seems to be having a hard time while I glance from Malleus over my shoulder and back to Ron in wonderment.

Court Of Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें