The Legend Begins.

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Deep within the woods of the boiling isles lies a settlement of people.

They resemble humans, but they have pointed ears. Plus, some of them looked like an odd bunch. Like some had large sharp teeth, a certain number of eyes, or just one eye, while most of them looked more normal.

To anyone that was none the wiser, they would've mistaken them for cosplayers or D&D enthusiasts. But in reality, they're actually WITCHES.

Or more accurately, these are early witches.

Some were practicing magic of all kinds as they please, while others were going about their personal lives as they usually do.

But then, the ground beneath their feet began to rumble...


Godzilla continued to trudge through the land of the new world he's in. It was honestly amazing to see that this whole island was created from a skeleton far bigger then him! He's fought foes much bigger then him before, but the skeleton that made up the land he's walking on surpasses that by a long shot.

Suddenly, the king stopped in his tracks.

He felt the ground tremble, it was faint, but still strong enough for him to notice.

Godzilla looked around to see what could be causing this. It could've been an earthquake, but from his experience, you can never be too careful.

A sudden explosion in the distance caught his attention, followed by a monstrous roar he's never heard before.

He looked in the direction to where he heard the roar, and saw some sort of creature made of rock and lava come out of the ground.

At first he thought nothing of it, and continued on with his business.

Until he heard the screams.

Godzilla halted in place, and looked back to where the monster is. He could hear the screams come from where the beast is, and he could see it smashing its fists into the ground, which caused more screams to erupt into the night sky.

Normally, Godzilla wouldn't care for the screams of civilians as they he didn't exactly like them. But some were... ok, he guessed. Because if it weren't for them, he wouldn't have met his son. That's when a thought occurred to him.

What would Junior do?

He pondered this thought for a moment, trying to come to a conclusion to this. These people, whoever they are, probably don't deserve the kind of punishment this new monster was inflicting upon them. Sure, he's punished the humans back in his world with no remorse, but he had his reasons behind his actions... not good reasons, sure, but at least he wasn't attacking blindly like this monster.

The question appeared in his thoughts once again.

What would Junior do?

He then narrowed his eyes, and growled with determination.

Lightning flashed and thunder rolled above him.


The witches screamed in terror as they ran from what looked like a walking personification of magma.

(A/N: Yeah the monster that's attacking is Obsidius)

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(A/N: Yeah the monster that's attacking is Obsidius)

As they ran for their lives, a young child tripped, and fell to the ground.

"Mama!" She called out.

Her mother turned around to see that her child had fallen. Acting quickly, she ran back to her child, and picked her daughter up in her arms. But before she could run, the monster was already upon them.

Despite not having eyes, it stared them down with such intensity that the two were frozen in fear. The monster raised its fist up with a roar, and the mother and child screamed as it was about to bring the fist down upon them.

Before it could, the monster got blasted on its side by a bright blue energy. The monster roared in pain and surprise as it fell onto its side.

The mother and daughter saw the blast hit the monster, and saw it fall on its side. They were shocked to see that their lives had been spared by an unknown force. Everyone still alive, injured or not, witnessed what had happened, and were just as shocked.

Suddenly, the ground shook like the sound of thunder.




Followed by a roar.



They all looked to see the source of the roar, and the blue blast, came from a large reptilian monster, with three rows of dorsal plates, a long tail, sharp teeth and claws, and fiery eyes, lumbering towards them.

"W-what is that thing?!" One witch exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, it just took down the other one with one blast!" Said another witch.

"It's getting back up!" Screamed a third witch.

True to their word, the monster was getting back up on its feet once more. It stood, and faced the monster that attacked it with a growl.

"FOOL! Who are you to dare challenge, Obsidius?!" The monster, now known as Obsidius, demanded.

The other monster growled at Obsidius undeterred.

"Godzilla... KING OF THE MONSTERS!" The other monster, now known as Godzilla, declared for all to hear.

Godzilla's dorsal plates flashed before he opened his sharp toothed maw, and unleashed a torrent of blue energy at Obsidius, which knocked him back, and onto his backside.

Godzilla roared as he slowly advanced.

(0:09-2:50. Ignore the humans, replace MechaGodzilla with Obsidius, and replace the rainbow colored beam with lava, and pretend the Godzilla is using his BLUE atomic breath instead of the RED one in the video.)

As Godzilla lumbered off to who knows where, the witches down below on the ground were shocked to their very souls and bile sacs. They had never seen a monster so fierce, so powerful, and so relentless.

He hardly gave Obsidius a fighting chance.

The mother and daughter were amazed to see a creature like that had just saved them from certain death. The mother embraced her daughter as they both knew that the danger was over. They didn't know what to think, other than feel grateful for the monster saving them. Same with the other witches, who felt the same.

They all knew that this would go down in history for years to come.

The legend has begun...


I can finally put videos in my stories now!

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