20. End of Term and All that it Entails

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"Yes," Harry replied. Fudge shifted his gaze to the grounds and they landed on me. Instantly his expression soured.

"Miss Black," he said bitterly. Fred wrapped an arm around my waist and we began to walk forward again. My heart quaked as I walked forward, holding onto Fred. As I walked past him, Fudge suddenly said, "If you exchanged even a glance with your father, I will lock you in your father's cell for the rest of your life and make you watch as a dementor sucks out his soul." Swallowing painfully, I grabbed Fred's hand and we entered the castle with Angelina, Lee, and George behind us.

Once we got to the common room, I turned to Fred and said quietly, "Fred, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" he asked worriedly, pulling me out of earshot of everyone else.

"I...I've spoken to him," I admitted quietly.

"What?" Fred said, shocked. "When?"

Bitting down on my lip, I admitted, "The first time was right after the first Quidditch match." Fred didn't say anything. "He came into the hospital wing and he started talking, thinking I was asleep. I talked to him. Then I spoke to him again when Harry accused Dad of betraying James and Lily to Voldemort."

"Is that it?" Fred asked tensely.

"No," I admitted. "I talked to him one more time and I've been bringing him food every once in a while, but Fred...I have to go find him again."

"Val," he interrupted.

Cupping his cheek, I asked, "Do you trust me?"

Brows furrowed, he replied, "Of course."

"Then don't stop me," I replied.

"I'm going with you," he countered.

After a moment's thought, I sighed, "Okay." How we managed to sneak our way out of the castle and into the Forbidden Forest I could never remember afterward, but the fact of the matter was, I found myself shouting for him. "Dad!" I cried, going further into the forest with Fred right behind me.

At last, a voice behind me said, "He shouldn't be here." I turned around quickly, although not half as quickly as Fred, who's eyes bulged slightly in surprise and badly repressed fear.

"Dad," I breathed, taking a step towards him. Approaching him, I hugged him tightly. Pulling away, I asked, "How're you doing?"

"Surviving," he replied, his voice raspy and his eyes never leaving Fred. "Who's the redhead."

"Right," I replied. "Dad, this is Fred Weasley. Fred, this is my dad. Fred is my boyfriend."

"Hi," Fred said tensely.

Glancing over his shoulder, Dad said, "Listen, Raven, I need your help with something. I've found him and I know how to get him, but I need you to make sure Harry's there."

"Why?" I replied.

"So he can know the truth," Sirius explained, his eyes wide and desperate. "My godson deserves to know that I didn't betray his parents. It may be my fault they're dead, but...Harry needs to know I never meant to hurt James."

"I'll do what I can," I promised. "Where?"

"Shrieking Shack," he replied. "Do you know the secret passageway?" I smirked, sharing a look with Fred who seemed to lighten up slightly.

"Dad," I chuckled. "Fred and his twin George had the map for the four and a half years. The three of us did our fair share of rule breaking with that thing."

A boyish grin crossed his face as he replied, "Good to hear it's been used well. Who has it now?"

"Remus," I admitted. "He took it from Harry." Frowning, I added, "Speaking of which, Harry told Remus that he saw someone on the map who's supposed to be dead."

"Who?" Dad asked.

"Pettigrew," I admitted, causing Sirius' eyes to gleam.

"So he is here," Sirius said.

"Yes," I replied. After thinking a moment, I said, "Wait, Dad, what if you handle Harry and I handle Pettigrew? I can sneak into Remus' office and steal the map."

"I can't risk you getting in trouble," he countered. "We'll stick to this plan." I nodded.

Turning to Fred, I asked, "You satisfied that I'm fine, Romeo?" He didn't say anything, but rolled his eyes playfully. "Go back to the castle, I'm fine," I said, nudging his shoulder. "I'll see you for dinner later."

"Okay," he replied, kissing my cheek. "Be safe."

"Always," I replied, smiling at him. Once he was gone, I turned to look at Sirius. Smirking, I said, "Let's get rid of a rat."

Raven (Fred x oc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum