Chapter 9

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Chapter 9~

Princeton left for their mini tour two days ago. His mom came by & told me that he wanted to say bye, & that he's gonna miss me. The thing is I wanted Princeton to come & tell me this himself (no offense to Ms. Theresa). Well, the tour was for a month so I wouldn't be seeing him for a while & I really need to talk to him.

"Can I come in?" A voice said.

I didn't say anything, but they walked in anyways.

"Hey, Jaden" I said with a half smile.

"Hey, beautiful.", Jaden said smiling. He sat in the chair closest to my bed. I starred at the TV, not saying anything to Jaden. There was a seriously long silence in the room.

"That's it, I can't watch you stay like this. I've visited 3 times & every single time you've looked so sad."

"What would you like me to do?" I said with no hope.

"I'd like for you to smile." He said. With a sneaky smirk, he slowly got up & walked closer to the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Come with me to this concert I'm performing at?"

"I can't even walk. It sounds like a bad idea ..." I said, making an excuse to stay in bed. I hated walking with this cast wrapped around my leg.

"Then I'll tickle you until you say yes.", Jaden slyly said, smirking.

"Jaden please-" Before I could say the next words he was tickling me non stop. I laughed so hard that I almost peed myself!

"OMG please stop!! I'm gonna vomit!!" I screamed.

"Then say yes! Say you'll go come with me!" he laughed as he ticked me.

Not being able to fight my way through it any longer I finally gave in & said I'd come along.

"I need to bathe, but I need help to get in the tub & make sure my cast doesn't get wet" I added.

"We'll you know ...", he said with a sly grin.

"No, you're not gonna help me wash you perv!" I started laughing. I kinda did walk myself into that one.

"Only joking!", he yelled unconvincingly, "I'll go get your doctor & she can help."

I smiled as I watched him walk out the room. Why must he be so gorgeous? After going through my usual struggle of bathing, I brushed my teeth, did my hair, & put some clothes on. I wore a denim shirt, black beanie with my hair out & bangs covering the top of my face, a black pencil skirt with a white & black tribal design, & my classic white converses. Jaden waited outside of the room as I was being pushed out to him in my wheel chair. I never thought I'd have one of these.

Jaden stood up & took in my whole outfit.

"You look amazing." Jaden acknowledged, gazing at me while smiling.

"Thank you", I responded getting red in the face. Why must I blush so much?!

The doctor told Jaden that I had to be checked back in the hospital & in my room no later than 9 or else my parents would be called & I wouldn't be able to leave the hospital again. She then blabbered about what I can do, what I can't do, what should be done, how to operate with me & my wheelchair, and other non important stuff. Finally, after she stopped rambling Jaden was pushing me out the hospital. I almost had forgotten what outside the four hospital room walls looked like. I never realized how much I missed the fresh air, beautiful palm trees, crowds of people, & the calm atmosphere.

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