Chapter 8

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Chapter 8~

"Hang in there sweet heart, you'll be fine.", a voice said to me. All I heard was multiple people talking, some machine making noises, & I saw a whole bunch of people crowding over me. I knew that I was being pushed somewhere, but where to? I kept coming in & out of the crazy dream. Why were all these people hovering over me?

"Doctor, I see some broken bones & bruises. She's bleeding & we need to stop it before it gets worse.", a woman said.

Did I fall asleep watching a movie or something? This dream started getting so weird.

"Okay. Everyone we're gonna move her from the stretcher to the bed on the count of three. One, two, three."

I felt my body being moved. Wait a minute this isn't a dream .. this is actually happening. Am I in the hospital? What's going on?! Why can't I speak?!

I got so exasperated in my thoughts that I knocked out, everything going black again.


Beep ... Beep ... Beep ... Beep

The machine I heard next to me constantly sounded. I opened my eyes & looked around to see where I was. When I tried to sit up I felt excruciating pain shoot through my body making me scream.

"What happened?!" Princeton said running over to me.

"Everything hurts.", I said slurred out my words in a low voice. My head, my legs, my arms, my stomach; when I said "everything hurts", I wasn't kidding.

"Annmarie, you're awake!!" he squealed anxiously. He hugged tightly me making me smile.

Princeton ran out the door, making sure to tell me "Don't move, I'll be back. Just stay here ..." before I left (as if I could leave if I really wanted to). Seconds later my parents ran in & huddled over me.

"Baby, you're awake! Dot scare us like that again!" my mom said crying, repeatedly kissing my forehead. Geesh, was I really that bad?

"Mom, I'm fine. Stop, you're embarrassing me!" I said with a smile as she repeatedly planted kisses on my forehead.

"I'm just gonna leave you guys alone so you can catch up.", Princeton said grinning. It was pretty obvious he felt bad about something, you could see it across his face as he left.

I talked to my parents for several minutes until my doctor came in.

"Hello mister & misses Santos. It's nice to see you up, Annmarie.", my female doctor said.

"It's nice to be up, doc." I said smiling. That was no joke.

"Well, where do you want me to start?" she asked.

"What happened to me?" I asked, saying the first question that came to mind.

"You were hit by a car. Luckily, you weren't hit as badly as we thought; if it were any worse then you probably wouldn't be here. You're a real fighter, Annmarie."

Everything from last night came flooding my thoughts; Prince standing me up, getting so angry, walking to Princeton's house (& obviously never making it), blacking out, being pushed on the stretcher. Everything hit me full force & my head started to ache just thinking about it. God, I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Whoa there, easy.", the doctor exclaimed as she came to me & readjusted my body to be more comfy. "The bad news is you have a broken leg, a broken arm, and some bruises mainly on your abdominal area where you were hit. All these things should eventually heal, but for now you need to rest."

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