Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~

I reached in my pocket, pulled out my iPhone, & looked to see who was texting me. It was the only person who truly ever understood me: my best friend, Princeton

Prince of the Hippies✌: Hey A! Wanna hang out maybe?-Prince

I got pretty excited to see it was Princeton, my bestest friend, texted me. I knew Princeton for 10 years now & he's someone (maybe the only person) I could truly trust. Princeton is a year older than me & he's like an adorable older brother. He was so sweet & he was like a big brother to me.

I tapped away unlocking my phone, replying back to the message

Annmarie: Hola love! Movies? Around 6? -A ❤

Prince of the Hippoes✌: Sure, be ready. I'm omw to your place. -Prince

After reading that text, I quickly went upstairs, showered, & changed into an all black crop top with denim shorts & leopard print converses on. I grabbed some money off of my dresser & my satchel, swinging it around me. Running down the stairs I kissed my dad & mom on the cheek as I ran for the door

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?", my dad questioned me.

"To the movies with Jacob. We'll be back when it's over & if it finishes late I'll just stay over his house." I replied back hurrying through the door. My mom started rambling on about texting home when I got to each landmark (same old, same old). I quickly ran out the house, closing & locking the door behind me.

- Princeton's POV -

I watched her as she came jogging towards my car. Tonight I was spending time with Annmarie, my best friend since forever,

"Hey Prince.", she said climbing into the back seat.

"You know you could've came in the front, right?", I asked her, "I don't bite, you know?"

Laughing, she told me to "just drive" Rolling my eyes & smiling, I listened to Annmarie's cheeky order.


We walked out of the movie theaters, Annmarie skipping towards the car.

"Did you see how amazing Edward looked? He was so assfghjkl.", Annmarie declared fangirling over the fictional character.

"Calm your hormones; sorry to burst your bubble, but he was fake. He is fake.", I said to her.

"Someone's a tad but jealous. ", Annmarie answered back lightly nudging me.

I pulled her into a hug as we walked together to my car. Not even 5 minutes into the ride & she was asleep in the back.

"Typical Annmarie for you. Just typical", I murmured chuckling to myself.

I looked at the time on my iPhone. It was almost 10:30 aka way too late for Annmarie to be out. I decided to just give Mr. & Mrs. Santos a call.

"Hey Ms. Santos, it's Jacob. Just wanted to say that Annmarie is fine & that I'd just take her to my house & we can just have a sleep over .... Yeah, my mom wouldn't mind; she loves her .... Mhm, yeah she's fine. We're just on our way to my place ... She's sleeping, that's all .... okay, thank you. Love you Ms. S & night."

I ended the phone call as I pulled into my driveway. Taking the keys out & placing them in my pocket, I went to the back of the car to wake Annmarie up.

"Anny", I said whispering to her, "you gotta wake up" Gently, I shook her trying to get her up. Pretty obvious, she wasn't really budging so I had to throw her over my shoulders & slightly carry her up my porch steps. Luckily, there were only 4 steps.

"You know you really need to ease up on the food. You've gotten bigger since the last time I carried you.", I said lugging her to my door

-Annmarie's POV-

"You know you really need to ease up on the food. You've gotten bigger since the last time I carried you.", Princeton whispered thinking I wouldn't hear it. He was just lucky I was half conscious & didn't have the energy to rebuttal with him. My eyes were closed but I heard him as he reached for his keys to unlock his door. Not wanting to be an annoyance, I got down from his grip & waited as he opened the door. As soon as it was open I sluggishly made my way up the stairs. When I finally got up there, I threw myself onto Princeton's bed. I made sure to kick off my shoes as I made my way under the covers. Only in my crop top & undergarments, I quickly fell asleep.

-Princeton's POV-

I made my way upstairs, into my room. Annmarie was beyond gone. She was knocked out.

"Nice way to steal my bed, Annmarie."

She smiled sheepishly as if she heard me. I took off my black converses, my shirt , & my pants leaving me only in my boxers. I crawled next to Annmarie as we fell asleep.


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