Chapter twenty nine

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She sends him a deathly glare. "Ooo your no fun." He sneers, letting out a light chuckle.

"Yeah, we've already known that though. She's too busy stuffing her nose in a book and kissing professors asses." Draco jeers while rolling his eyes.

"Shut it, before I hex you." I remark a second before Snape dismisses the class.

Hermione hurries out of the room immediately, me trailing close behind her. "Hermione!" I call across the hallway, but she doesn't stop. I speed up and catch her wrist. "Hermione! Why are you avoiding me?" She stares at me with hurt filled eyes.

I lead her to the bathroom to have a more private conversation. "Okay, what is going on?" I ask.

"When were you going to tell us that you're best friends with Draco Malfoy?" She questions sharply.

"We aren't best-" I try to reply but instead she cuts me off.

"Don't you remember the past five years? All the remarks he made to all of us? All of the things he's done?"

I take a deep breath not knowing how to respond. "I'll keep him in his place when he's around you guys."

"I just don't want him to be a bad influence on you, especially with the-" She pauses before continuing in a whisper. "You-know-who stuff."

I shutter, trying to get the thought out of my head of Draco having anything to do with that. "Draco isn't like that. He may be a douche sometimes-" She eyes me knowingly. "Okay, most of the time, but he's not working for Voldemort." I answer surely.

She swallows sheepishly. "I hope you're right." She says.

"Are we okay now?" I ask, avoiding her previous statement.

"Yeah, we're alright, just keep him away from us if you're able. But you should probably talk to Ron and Harry, I may or may not have told them too."

"Who else did you tell Hermione?" I sigh

"No one."

"Even Ginny?"


"Okay." I say. "Oh and by the way, don't mind what Draco said. It's not true anyway. They have no idea what goes on in the common room on Friday nights." We both giggle as we scurry down the corridor side by side.

"Okay, it'll be fine." I tell myself as I make my way into the dada classroom.

Hermione and I hurry into class, being less than a minute late. Hermione makes her way to her seat immediately as I shut the door, causing Professor Umbridge to turn around. "Oh, Ms. Parkinson so nice of you to join us." She announces, wearing her cheerful yet evil smile.

"I go by Brooke." I say, awkwardly, being that everyone is staring at me as I stand in the back of the class.

"Well, your name isn't Brooke so I'm going to call you by your actual name. Which is Parkinson correct?" She asks, batting her eyelashes as she waits for my response. Instead, I clench my jaw in an effort to contain myself.

"Dumbledore said I could go by Brooke."

"Well, Dumbledore isn't part of the Ministry now is he?" She questions, tilting her head to the side slightly, keeping her malevolent smile. She turns and walks to the front of the class in tiny steps, her heels tapping against the floor. "That will be detention for disrespecting a professor. It will be served tomorrow after dinner. You may be seated now, Ms. Parkinson."

I try to hold back my scowl as I take my seat next to Luna who wears a worried expression. A scoff could be heard from Pansy across the room as she glares at me with hatred drowned eyes.

Darling • Fred Weasley x reader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu