I wanna become something else.

Start from the beginning

He looked down to see black gloves wrapped around her hands, and so he offered her a hand. His auburn hair flowed through the wind as he helped the girl stand up. "I-uh have a question." curiosity peaked through his golden eyes.

What's your name?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Does dating human's make me a pedophile? The age gap and all.

Damn you're hot- wait, that's not a question

Wait- what classifies a question? I'm getting off topic-

I know I'm almost 1500 years old, but I'm still a teenager, you know what I mean?

You should wear some socks under your shoes-

Urgh, shut up brain!

"Do you know any coffee shops close by?" He let go of her hand, letting his eyes wonder the girl's figure, there was something off about her. But before he could say anything, she spotted a coffee shop across the street. "Oh! There it is! Thank you!"

He was left to wonder: what the hell just happened?


And that's when it hit her, she had no money. That wasn't a problem, was it? Yeah, it definetly was. She stood on the line wondering what to do. Steal? Too many people. Beg? Too many people, too much embarassement. Run? What if that hot guy caught her again?

She hid her face between her hands, as regret ate her up. Why didn't she just ask for his number? Now she will never see him again...should've taken a photo. But why didn't she let him talk? That anxiety would be the end of her.

If he saw her leave without a drink in hand, he will definetly think she used an excuse to escape him! "Argh!" She let out a groan, catching by a second the quiet cafeteria's attetion. She shouldn't be worrying so much by a guy she met on the street!

A poke on her shoulder took her out of trance, she looked up to see a blond boy wearing a U.A. uniform. With a smile, he pointed to her, looking at another girl with orange hair. "Hey, Kendo! isn't she the new girl in class 1-A?"

As he caught Kendo's attention, displeased expression formed on the orange haired girl. "It's quite a shame really" He turned towards the girl beside him, her (e/c) orbs never breaking their eye contact "Class 1-B is way better."

Quick, (Y/n)!! Escape!!

Escape route blocked! :D


"Ah." She spoke, catching the blond's attention "Yeah, such a shame." She sarcastically pouted "I kinda gotta go...." She stopped for a second, thinking of an excuse "adopt a cat," she looked at her wrist, faking that she was looking at a wrist watch "maybe you can tell me all about your lovely class later" she began slowly walking toward the door "Toodles <3"

But before she could get away, he grabbed the girl's wrist, a bigger smirk on his face "I hope you don't mind if I take you for" He stopped looking at his wrist, faking he was looking at the time "5 minutes, milady?" He sarcastically said, irritating the girl.

"Alas, I do mind." She put a hand over her mouth, looking downwards, faking sadness "my parents are waiting for me at home"

"Do they know about the cat?"

"It's an apology gift." her monotone face surfaced, honestly, just leave her alone!

"What could I do to make you stay?" The girl arched a brow.

"A cup of the finest coffee would do" He burst into laughter, wiping a tear, no one had entered his play, she was certainly...unique or shall I say peculiar? "I don't see the fun in this" She looked around, just to see Kendo come over and hit the boy's head.

"Stop bothering other people!" She turned to the (e/c) eyed girl, a warm smile on her face "I'm sorry for his behaviour..." she stopped and looked at the girl, a little blush formed on her face from the sudden arkward atmosphere.



"Kendo, this is Monoma." She smiled "I'm sorry for the trouble"

"Ah! It's okay! Don't worry" (Y/n) frantically waved her hands. Kendo bowed and dragged him away to a table where a few other Class B students sat watching the show.

There goes my free coffee.

She bitterly left the shop, wondering to herself where she could get a cat. The boy kept wondering more about the girl he had just talked to, completely ignoring his classmates talk.

Kendo would say a few things, before her mind tried to remenber every detail of the girl she just met, thankfully she caught her name before she left.



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