Chapter 12

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I had blown up in the poor kids face.

One look at her was enough to send my already fiery anger skyrocketing. And then she lied straight to my face.
I lost all control and hadn't given a damn.

Even when I shoved her into the wall, did I not stop to take a breather. I was fuelled by my anger and my anger alone.
Even her terrified expression did nothing to thaw the heat inside.

But as I walked away, the breeze cooled the anger  and I immediately felt guilty. Evelyn didn't deserve to be treated like this.
And then I realised; even if I could be her boyfriend, I shouldn't. She doesn't need a bomb of uncontrollable anger on his back. She doesn't need all my shitty problems. She had a loving boyfriend who wouldn't burden her with troubles and a best friend who would do anything to protect her.
I was no good for her and that was something I'd have to get used to. That is, If she still wanted to be my friend.

Before I got to the riot I typed a simple 2 word text to Evelyn before I zipped up my phone in my pocket. This time, I really hoped she'd reply.

I'm sorry.


For once, I didn't hate being at the riot. Today it was a place where I could release all my anger, worries and problems without hurting anyone. However angry I got, I would never ever hurt someone. I'd normally walk away but the riot was a good place to release all my pent up issues.

I smashed windows and kicked down a few doors.

"What do we want?"
"Our houses!"
"When do we want it?"
Our group of 150 rallied together in the centre of the broken glass and rubble, chanting and shouting.
Nearby passers by grabbed their children by the hand and hurried away from the mob. I couldn't blame them. We were all angry. Far past angry.

All around me I could hear the roars of rage and despair as glass shattered and wood splintered. It was not something I was proud of- being a rioter and destroying these historic landmarks. But I did what I must; I had nowhere else to go, no money, no family; hell, at this rate I wouldn't even have a job.

This flat was my last splinter of hope. Without this I had nothing.

I am nothing.

I was so wrapped up in the chaos that I didn't notice the police blocking either end of the street. They were fully decked out in their solid black riot gear- helmets down, shields up.
They were prepared for a fight.
And we're we're going to give them one.

As I raised my hammer to smash into the glass of the ornate door, a hand grasped it firmly, tugging it out my grasp. I turned just as the officer flung it to the floor out of my reach. Damn.
I scavenged for anything that could help me and then I spotted something. A lack of something.
He didn't have a shield. I can use this to my advantage.

He tried tackling me against the wall, ready to arrest me, but I put up my natural defences. I have no idea where this instinct came from but it was greatly appreciated.
Somehow I'd managed to twist us round so that I pinned him to the floor and ripped off his helmet.

The man must have been no more than 30. He was quite handsome if it weren't for the worry lines etched on his forehead. He looked panicked and neither him or I knew what I was going to do next. He was buff too which worried me slightly. I don't think I'm strong enough to take him down. He kneed  me in the stomach and I grunted. But it wasn't enough to shift me.

"Let me go." he grunted as I pinned him down by his neck. I shook my head. I didn't want to hurt him, but I couldn't risk getting arrested. I had too much to lose.

A rough pair of gloves hands grabbed me from behind, ripping me away from the police officer on the floor. I growled in frustration. They slammed me face first into the brick wall, efficiently locking my hands in handcuffs behind my back. My nose throbbed with pain and I could feel the blood start to trickle down my face and soak into my bandana.

They'd singled me out because I was weak. Because I was alone.

This was the worst case scenario. I'd lost.

I truly am nothing.

"I can't go to prison. It will ruin me." I wriggled, trying to face the officer but he pushed me harder into the wall with his forearms.
"Perhaps you should have thought about that before you decided to riot."

I sighed. I didn't put up a fight from here on out. There was no point. They'd already won.

"I am arresting you on suspicion of criminal damage and assault. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

After swiftly patting me down he led me towards a police car. People around me were still fighting with the police but I hung my head in shame, willingly cooperating with the police officer. He was at least double my size and I couldn't fight him even if I wanted to.

News reporters were quick to push their cameras in my face and fire questions at me. I did not look at them. I didn't even listen to their accusations. My life was none of their business.

The police officer opened the door to the car and pushed me inside, not caring if I bashed my head. He slammed the door shut before driving me away from my life.

As of today, my life is officially over.

Authors note

Happy new year!

Thanks so much for reading!
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