Chapter 18

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Life had gone relatively back to normal after I left Eve's.
It had taken me a few days to really come to terms with what actually happened but now that I had taken a breather I was able to relax better.

I'd been arrested.

Fucking hell.

Adam can never know about this. If he finds out I lied that I was involved in violence, and then almost got myself a criminal record, I'd be dead meat for sure.

One more run in with the police I was prison bound.

They'd told me no less than 12 years.
That thought alone kept me up more than the cold of my flat.

When the officer was interviewing me and he'd said 12 years, my blood ran cold and I'd barely held in my gasp of shock and fear.

Never before had I actually considered that I could be behind bars for that many years.

The thought wouldn't deter me though. I needed this flat more than anything I'd ever had. It was the only thing keeping me going, no matter how run down it is, or how high the crime rates.

I'd been to another riot this morning and I am damn lucky I wasn't arrested again. The police were onto us, raining down harder than before. They knew we weren't going to stop and were prepared for hell.

By the end of the riot, 3 police officers were injured and 7 people arrested. I barely managed to escape. God did I need to stop rioting. There's got to be a better way.
No one had come with any better ideas so this was all we had to work with.

My fists were bloody and bruised so I cleaned them as best as I could under the tap in my kitchen. Whilst I was doing this, I heard my phone ring. Immediately I rushed to it, my hands still wet, wishing, hoping that it was Evelyn.

It wasn't.

It was, however, Adam.

"Hello, Jordan? Would you be able to babysit Avery tonight? I know it's last minute but I've been pulled into an emergency meeting."
"Oh, yeah I can. What time did you want me to be there?"
"Is 5:30 okay with you?"
"It is."
"Wonderful, thank you son. See you soon."
I hung up, and sighed.

This was going to be hard to hide from Adam. My face was still bruised and cut from when I had been arrested, not to mention the fresh scabs on my knuckles.

There was no way in hell he wasn't going to question me.

They didn't want their daughter around violence. And I was the epitome of violence.

The clock ticked.

Eh, I had time to come up with a suitable excuse.

What he doesn't know won't kill him.
I hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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