Chapter 15

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Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

"I've been arrested."

The whole drive to the police station my hands gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white and I felt utterly sick. How had he managed to get into so much trouble?

I'd seen him only hours before. I hadn't expected him to get arrested. I should have just apologised and set us straight. I shouldn't have let him leave in such an angry state.
He'd gone and got himself arrested. Arrested!
What the hell?

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

I had to sit in the car park of the police station for half an hour before I had calmed my brain enough to form a coherent sentence. I could barely walk in a straight line.

If this is what I felt like, what did Jordan feel like?
My stomach twisted at the thought.

The lady at the reception desk wasn't particularly kind for saying she was the first person I came across in the building.
"Hello. I'm here for Jordan Jones."
"Ah yes. Him. Just wait over in the waiting area and he'll be along shortly."
"Ok thank you."

The receptionist pointed to a set of uncomfortable blue chairs across the room where I would have to wait god knows how long for Jordan.
The coffee table was littered with magazines and I picked on up to try and entertain me in the bland space. It didn't help.

"I get that this is your job. But this is my life. If I don't do this, I'll have nowhere to go. I can't... I can't go back there."
I knew that voice.
But it sounded so pained.

"Well consider your options. You're being let off on a warning this time mr Jones. But if you're caught at a riot again, we won't be so lenient."

The voices were getting closer so I put the magazine back down on the table.
I hope Jordan is okay.

When he rounded the corner, police officer guiding him with a hand on his shoulder, we locked eyes for a brief second before he shook his head and looked back at the floor.
From the short look I'd got at him, I could see he was devastated. That wasn't the feisty Jordan I knew. He looked so drained and lifeless. The only emotion he showed was well hidden- I barely caught a wiff of the deep sadness within.

I waited patiently in the stiff chair until Jordan had collected his belongings and shoes, the police officer finally letting him go. It took less time than I'd expected but it must have felt like a lifetime for Jordan, despite it only being a couple of hours since I'd last heard from him.

So deep in thought, I hardly caught sight of him leaving through the doors so I was quick to catch up to him, running slightly. He didn't look at me and he didn't stop walking. It unnerved me slightly but not enough to deter me.
I unlocked the car and we both got in. He avoided all eye contact and stared straight out the windscreen with a look of steel.

"Did you want me to take you home or did you want to come back to mine?" I asked, but was answered with no reply. Not even a shake of the head.
I don't think he was capable of being alone right now. Who knew when he would snap out of his daze and what he would do when he did. "I'm going to take you back to mine Jordan. I don't think you should be alone right now."

The whole drive home was silent and tense. I stole glances at the statue next to me as I drove and he hadn't moved once. The only thing telling me he was alive was the clenching and unclenching of his hands on his thighs.
"Jordan, we're here love. You can stay in my room. I'll share with Kayla tonight." I spoke so softly, I didn't recognise the extra gentleness in my tone.

I led the zombie-like Jordan up to my apartment and showed him to my room, ignoring the weird looks from Kayla when I made some quick sandwiches in the kitchen. I placed him a glass of water and the food on my bedside table, in case he wanted it. I don't know what they will have fed him earlier, although I don't know if he'd be well enough to want to eat anyway.
"The bathroom is just down the hall. Get some rest Jord. I'll be in the other room if you need me." I turned to go but a rough voice stopped me.
"Stay, please." He looked up from his lap, his eyes teary.
"Okay, I'll stay."

I wasn't sure what to do as Jordan sat staring at the wall so I helped him out of his blood ruined hoodie, gently pulling the fabric from his shoulders and placing it on the floor by his feet. He let me undo his shoe laces and remove his shoes and pull down his gravel ripped jeans so that he would be more comfortable. He barely acknowledged me doing it.
With a hand resting in his back I led him to bed and tucked him in before getting more comfortable myself and sliding in next to him.

"Evelyn." Jordan finally broke. He sobbed my name, tears streaming down his cheeks. I immediately pulled him to me as he bawled into my shoulder.
"You're going to be okay, love. I promise you. I won't let anyone take you away from me." I brushed my fingers along his fringe, pushing it out his eyes.

His body shook whilst he cried and he held onto me as if I was the last thing holding him together.

And that's where we stayed long into the night, until he fell asleep in my embrace.

Authors note

Despite it being such a sad chapter I love it.
I wanted to thank you all for reading me book, sometimes it's the only thing keeping me going.
I've been struggling recently from anxiety about returning to school and not passing my exams so you reading and commenting and voting on my books really cheers me up. So thank you.
I hope you are all doing okay and feel free to talk to me or anyone you trust if you ever need to let something off your chest.

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