Chapter 6

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I pulled the duvet round my shoulders tightly and shivered. It was near midnight and it felt like Antarctica in my small flat. I hadn't earned enough money yet to afford central heating and the small fire I'd had burning in the corner of the room had died out hours ago but I had no logs left to keep the dwindling flames dancing. I'd dragged my bed so close to the dusty hearth to try and keep warm but it wasn't working well. There were drafts everywhere sucking the heat out of the room.
It was going to be a long night.

I had all the basic necessities in my open plan, 2 room flat. It had taken time and effort to make this flat comfortable but I was decently happy that I could call this place home. After all, it was all I had. I didn't have my family anymore and I didn't have my friend. It was just me and apartment 63.
The only 'luxury' I owned was my phone. It was cracked and outdated but it worked. I'm just glad I could afford one at all. I'd been dealt a crappy set of cards lately but I wasn't giving up until I could keep myself warm at night.

I picked my phone up. Evelyn has text me earlier and I had yet to respond.
Hey ;)
He responded almost immediately which surprised me. It was late, I'd have thought he was in bed.
Sorry if I woke you, I couldn't get you out my head.
It's okay, I was awake anyways.
I'm guessing you made it home safe?
Yep. You?
Safe and sound.
Wanna hang out sometime?
It'll have to be at urs. Kayla doesn't like strangers in out flat.
What about Hyde park? My place is a mess.

It wasn't a complete lie, my flat was messy. It was more of the fact I couldn't let Evelyn see where I lived. I wanted to act like I wasn't poor and was like her, going to university with my best mate.

But I couldn't do those things anymore.
I had no money to pay for university.
My best friend left me in the lurch.
And I was poor. Poorer than most 20-odd year olds living in London.

Oh. I don't care about mess tho. Doesn't bother me.
I'd rather you not come round here.

It took a few minutes for a reply but all I got was a simple ok.


I slept fairly well considering I was freezing under my blankets. I had no riot today but had one next week on Oxford street. I don't want to go but I gotta do what I gotta do. I just hope we don't cause too much lasting damage to the historic buildings.

Pulling a bowl out the cupboard, I soon filled it with cheap Aldi knock-off Cheerios and started chomping on my breakfast at my small kitchen table.
I sighed. It was another day in paradise. I needed to find another job and soon. This one I already had just did not pay enough and my boss won't give me a raise, no matter how hard I worked.

I scrolled through the internet for a while, looking for an evening job.
Animal shelter volunteer. Doesn't pay enough.
Mc Donald's worker. Can't do those hours.
Bank worker. Don't have the qualifications.
Museum tour guide. Too far away.
Babysitter. Now that could work.

The hours were flexible and mostly evening and night work. The parents of the young girl, Avery, were willing to pay highly for looking after their daughter whilst they went out doing god knows what. I applied immediately before heading off for work that started at 5am.
I really need this job.

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