Chapter 8

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I had less than 30 minutes to get from the London eye to my interview at the Smiths residence in Knightsbridge. Google maps told me it was a 47 minute walk or a 22 minute journey by the underground but, knowing my luck, it would take double the time because of delays. My only option was to run.

I'd just finished a monster 10 hour shift from 5-5 at the premier inn. I worked 6 days a week, usually doing 8 hour shifts but today I had to work overtime. One of my coworkers had a family issue so was running late. 2 hours late.
And that made me stressed.

My interview was at 5:30 but I hadn't left the hotel until 5:07. Being late was not going to make a good impression on my potential bosses.
That's why I was running like a madman across London's streets.

When I reached the Smith's residence, I was in awe to say the very least.
The four storey terrace building was nothing like I'd even seen before.
The first floor was pure white brickwork, helping the black front door stand out. The upper floors had a classic light brown brick with each window (one of which must be floor to ceiling) being encased by white window frames. On the second floor with the largest window, was a black fenced balcony to gaze out at the beautiful park opposite. It was traditional London housing with a modern twist.  I'd always dreamed of living in a house like this, but I know it would never happen. I wouldn't earn that much money in my whole lifetime- let alone being able to purchase it before I buy die. It was not the house for such a lowlife as me.

Gathering my breath, I used the knocker to knock on the door. Who I assumed to be Mr Smith answered.
"Ah. You must be Jordan Jones. I'm Adam Smith, Avery's father, but please, just call me Adam." He held out his hand for me to shake. I did so. "Follow me. My wife Rae is just inside with Avery."
"I'm sorry about my attire sir. I had to come straight from work."
"Oh don't worry about it son. You're a dedicated man. I appreciate you have another job but you still managed to arrive on time, that's all I could've asked from you."
"Thank you."
As I followed Adam through the vast entryway to the living room, I couldn't help but feel slightly out of place. I'd never been in such a beautiful place. Even the painting on the wall probably cost more than a years worth of my wages.

The living room was just as stunning as the exterior of the house with lavish cream sofas and glass coffee tables. Perched on one of those sofas was Rae, and with her, Avery was swinging her legs off the edge of the settee.
"Hello Jordan. It's nice to meet you." Rae stood up, pulling me into a gentle hug. "Avery, dear, say hello."
"Hi." The young girl blushed, shy.
"Hello Avery. Don't be shy. I don't bite." I knelt down to her, kissing one of her tiny hands. She giggled.

The Smiths were a picture perfect family. Adam Smith was a loving, dedicated father who was willing to do anything to provide for his family. He had a small beard but wore a huge smile at the sight of his wife and daughter. Rae was beautiful. She had her ginger hair tied into a delicate bun as she held herself with grace and sophistication. I could tell she loved her daughter dearly but also loved her job.
And little Avery. She was such a sweet five year old. Everything she did, she did with a smile and a laugh. It was the cutest laugh I'd ever heard. She cared for everyone and I could tell she would be just like her mother when she grows up.

"We'd love to have you care for our daughter, Jordan. Just one final question, are you involved in any gangs, fighting or drugs? We don't want Avery to have any bad influences."
"That's excellent. We're all set then. Could you start tonight? Adam has a last minute meeting  and I was hoping to go out with some friends. Adam should be back by 10 at the latest. But if he's not, I'll show you the guest room you may use in the future. We wouldn't want you wandering London past midnight. It's dangerous at night."
"Thank you so much Rae, Adam. It means a lot. I won't let you down."

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