Author's Mumblings

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If you've enjoyed this wee collection of odd musings from the dark corners of my brain, please do feel free to comment on any story you've enjoyed. Also, please do let me know of any mistakes you've spotted (yes there probably are a few), or ping me the odd vote. All feedback is very much welcomed.

Also, this collection is available on Smashwords here - or via the link on my Wattpad homepage. If you use the code HB58K you can get it for FREE! Let your friends and family know, give them a free copy for birthday or Christmas or for any other reason you can think of, I'm always happy to have my stuff chucked around the ether. If you feel like dropping a review on there it would also be much appreciated.

Check out my other works, drop in and have a chat, ask me questions. Always happy for a natter.

Cheers, Gav

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