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Ember smiles over at Jim as she rides a wave.
There's something so calming about the ocean.
The water right between your fingers. The sea air, salty but fresh and pure.

Ember reaches her hand out as she touches the tunnel shaped wave that closes over her.
She can feel herself get excited, her dad always told her that these where the best kind of waves.
This is her first one.
Ember looks up at the water and watches as it flows over her.
Her hand reaches out again and runs through the running water. The water continues flowing, undisturbed by her touch.
Ember can see small fish swim in the tunnel as she finally makes it out and into calm water.
She smiles as she jumps off her board and tackles Jim into the water.
Jim lets out a little squeal and Ember giggles as she cuddles into him.

Jim smile at her as he brushes her water hair.

"Jim, that was so cool! Did you seem me? That was awesome!" Ember smiles as she looks back over to were the wave was.

Jim smiles.

"I saw. You looked at peace," Jim smiles as he kisses Ember's cheek.

"It was so beautiful! There were fishies in the wave," Ember cheers.

Jim grins, he's glad she's having fun.

"I'm definitely paying for your collage now," Jim chuckles to himself.

Ember shakes her head and Jim tickles her.

"Come on. Look at you. You love it out here. You're practically a shark yourself," Jim smiles as he picks Ember up and lifts her onto his shoulders.

Ember chuckles as she rests her hands on Jim's hair.

Jim grabs their surf boards as he starts walking back to shore.
Ember chuckles at the fact that Jim can just walk even though the water is extremely deep for her.

Jim steps onto dry land. Sand instantly sticks to his wet feet but he's too happy to care.

Ember smiles as she flicks her wet hair behind her.

Jim walks up to the surfing hut and hands the man their surfboards.
The man thanks him and Jim wraps his arms around Ember's legs as he turns around and begins walking back to their blanket.

"Thank you Jim," Ember smiles.

Jim chuckles.

"You're welcome baby," Jim grins as he sets her down on the warm blanket.

Ember lays out and smiles happily as she looks up at the clear blue sky.

"And to think if it wasn't for you I'd be in bed with the lights off, drowning in my numbness," Ember chuckles.

"Well I'm glad I got you out especially since you're so happy," Jim says as he lays next to her.

The two of them fall into a comfortable silence. Nothing but the sound of children laughing and squealing and the waves crashing down.

"If you could be any animal, what would you be?" Ember asks, breaking the silence.
She rolls over onto her side to look at him.

"An animal huh?" Jim chuckles as he thinks.

"Can I be you?" Jim smirks as he sits up.

"I'm not an animal though," Ember laughs as Jim tackles her and presses her against the blanket.

"Are you sure?" Jim asks as he tickles her.

Ember giggles.

"Yeah-, I'm sure," Ember wheezes as she catches her breath.

"Alright. Then how about a bird," Jim shrugs as he looks up at the sky.

"A bird?" Ember smiles as she stares at him.

"Yes because then I can fly above the sea and watch over you Ms. Shark," Jim smiles as he looks down at her.

Ember feels her eyes well with happy tears.

"That's so sweet," she sniffles as her lips tug into a big smile.

Jim smiles and places his lips against hers.

"I love you," he smiles as he lays his head against her chest.

"I love you too," Ember smiles as she wipes a tear that slipped.

"So a bird and a shark huh. What an unusual pair," Ember chuckles as she wraps her arms around Jim's broad back.

"A special pair if you ask me," Jim smiles as he kisses her chest.

Ember smiles and strokes his hair. She closes her eyes and relaxes against him as the sound of the ocean brings her into a peaceful bliss.

There's something so special about the water. The thought of being able to just swim away freely. The idea that animals live in relative peace within the body of blue.

Jim smiles as he traces patterns on Ember's collarbone.
He knows he has to tell her about the police call but he doesn't want to ruin their happy moment.
Jim would do anything to keep Ember this happy.

Jim closes his eyes and he feels himself drift off to the sound of Ember's steady heart beat.


"Jim," Ember says softly as she brushes his hair.

"Hmm," Jim groans as he cuddles tighter into her.

"The sun is seating, we should go, the beach is going to close soon," Ember chuckles as she wakes him from his sleep.

Jim lifts his head off her chest and looks down. He wipes some drool off her chest and frowns.

"Sorry," he mutters.

Ember rolls her eyes and chuckles at him.

"You're cute, you know that?" Ember smiles as she brushes his hair soothingly, helping him fully wake up.

Jim shrugs getting a little shy and Ember smiles as she kisses him.

Jim sleepily kisses her back and Ember chuckles.

"Come on. Let's get up," Ember says.

"You first," Jim yawns.

"You're on top of me so I don't think that's going to work," Ember laughs.

Jim looks down at her.

"Oh," he says groggily as he gets off of her and stands up.

Ember sits up and watches as he stretches his long arms.
Ember chuckles and shakes her head as she begins to pick up their trash from lunch.
She puts it back into the cooler and closes it.

Ember feels Jim by her side and she smiles as she looks over at him.
He helps her back up and then carries the heavy things for her as they walk back up the hill to Jim's truck.

Jim unlocks the doors and pops the truck.

He and Ember put their stuff in the back and then Jim walks over to the passenger door and opens it for Ember.
Ember smiles and thanks him as she hops into the car.

Once Jim is inside the car he rubs his eyes and looks over at her.

"I have something to tell you but I'm too tired. I don't even remember what it is," Jim smiles tiredly as he grabs Ember's hand in his.

"Tell me some other time then," she smiles as she leans in to kiss him.

Jim kisses her back and smiles as he turns on the engine to the truck and pulls out of the parking lot.

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