"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked as my heart began to pound.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," he replied, almost mocking. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see. Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black." Instantly several gasps and shrieks rose up, even more people growing pale. After a moment, all eyes turned to me. My eyes were wide and I couldn't breathe.

"All of you to the Great Hall," Dumbledore ordered, also looking at me. Everyone began to file out, but I was frozen. Soon it was just me, Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and the teachers.

"I had nothing to do with this," I said shakily, still unable to move.

"No one said you did, Miss Black," Dumbledore said calmly. "Please, go with your classmates to the Great Hall."

"Are you kidding?" I cried, my eyes wide. "They will skin me alive!"

"Valerie, you'll be okay," Remus countered, stepping toward me. Finally, I moved forward, wrapping my arms around him. "Go, I'll let you know if we find anything." I nodded and we all headed to the Great Hall. The room silenced as we entered, every eye going to my shaky form. Fred and George glared at them, grabbing sleeping bags for us all and moving into a corner away from everyone else.

Angelina lay down next to me while Fred took the other side of me. George lay on the other side of Angelina and Lee took the spot next to him. "Do you think he really did that?"

"I don't know," I replied quietly as the lights had been turned out and Percy was policing everyone.

"Why would he be trying to get up into Gryffindor Tower?" Angelina whispered.

"I don't know," I replied quietly. "Maybe he's trying to get to me?" Angelina shook her head, not having an answer. The hours dragged on slowly, sleep evading me. Prefects walked among the students, snapping at anyone who talked or was obviously awake. Once every hour, a teacher would come in to check on everyone. Around three, voices reached my ears as I lay asleep.

"Any sign of him, Professor?" Percy asked.

"No. All well here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Everything under control, sir," Percy assured.

"Good. There's no point moving them all now. I've found a temporary guardian for the Gryffindor portrait hole. You'll be able to move them back in tomorrow."

"And the Fat Lady, sir?" Percy inquired.

"Hiding in a map of Argyllshire on the second floor," Dumbledore explained. "Apparently she refused to let Black in without the password, so he attacked. She's still very distressed, but once she's calmed down, I'll have Mr. Filch restore her."

More footsteps approached and Snape's voice cut into the conversation. "Headmaster? The whole of the third floor has been searched. He's not there. And Filch has done the dungeons; nothing there either."

"What about the Astronomy Tower?" Dumbledore asked. "Professor Trelawney's room? The Owlery?"

"All searched..."

"Very well, Severus," Dumbledore replied. "I didn't really expect Black to linger once we gathered all the students here."

"You think he came for her?" Snape asked.

"Either her or Harry," Dumbledore admitted.

"Have you any theory as to how he got in, Professor?" Snape asked.

"Many, Severus, each of them as unlikely as the next," Dumbledore mused.

Trying to knock Percy out of the conversation, Snape asked quietly, "You remember the conversation we had, Headmaster, just before - ah - the start of term?"

"I do, Severus," Dumbledore replied warningly.

"It seems - almost impossible - that Black could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concerns when you allowed-"

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped Black enter it," Dumbledore insisted firmly. "I must go down to the dementors. I said I would inform them when our search was complete."

"Didn't they want to help, sir?" Percy asked.

"Oh yes," Dumbledore said coldly. "But I'm afraid no dementor will will cross the threshold of this castle while I am headmaster. I won't put my students, especially Miss Black and Mr. Potter through that." I didn't realize tears were running down my cheeks until I felt Fred wipe away my tears. Drawling in a shaky breath, I got the courage to look up at him.

He held his arms out to me and I crawled towards him, laying my head on his chest.

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