"Quotes" Out of Context

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(Note): This is a collection of "quotes" that I found and put out of context.

(Note2): These "quotes" don't necessarily have to be well known so good for u if u recognize these "quotes".

(Note3): ███████ are used for names, titles, or references to the origins of these "quotes".


1. "Shoot that dog! I want another rug!"



4.  "This is here for the people who I-I need to kill later,"

5. "OH! Just killed a woman, feeling good."

6. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions."

7. "Boys! I want you to hit me! Hit as hard as you can!"

8. "That's some smooth brian shit right there,"

9. "Well, well, well," "Well," "Well," "Well,"

10. "Jeez, ███████ I just love seeing germans execute french people."

11. "I don't know what his deal is but he called me ██████ noob and then dabbed, so I had to murder him."

12. "How to start a church for prostitutes."

13. "Whoa, dude, my sandwich tastes like colors."

14 "Hey boys and girls! Want to see a dead criminal? Only one shiny nickel."

15. "You didn't have to go throwing him into the sun like that."

16. "YAY! WOOHOO! I'm a hero, time to take a nap!"

17. "Hey, can you  make my dog like not have teeth anymore?"

18. (Incoherent screaming and cursing)

19. "Yeah that's pretty nifty and all but uh what if we tried it on people."

20. "Lousy stiff, wait a minute, that's curious, this mannequin got human flesh and bones inside of it. Wait a minute. Ah oh. Ah oh! Ah oh!"

21. "OH MY GOD! HE'S BEAUTIFUL! Kill him!"

23. "Elon Musk can consume me, I would be ok with it."


25. "Can I stick my finger inside myself?"

26. "Don't follow beautiful women into blizzards,"

27. "You can't fucking stop me!"

28. "Oh, that's bad news, for the infant in my closet,"

29. (Demonic Screeching)

30. "Who knew manslaughter could be so adorable."

31. "HAHA! Sterotypes funny!"

32. "I mean, you know, we're an overpopulated planet. So cannibalism might not be so bad."

33. "Fuck yeah! I want to die!"

That's all folks I might make another not sure though since it legit took me months to do this, anyways bye!

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