Introduction of me! :)

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Hello! Welcome to my new fic. This is a mha/bnha fic. I wanted to say a few things before starting off. You don't really have to read this, skip it if you really want, but it has some information about how my titles are picked and the tw's at the start of each of the chapters, along with some other stuff.

OK, so first. Thank you to @AnLoyalFriend for helping me with everything! They have given me advice with plot points, lent me an OC to use, and is just an overall amazing person to talk to. So thank you!!!!!!!! I am writing this thank you before most of the chapters have been written, so that might not even be the extent that they have helped me! I just wanted to say this before I forget 'cause I am a very forgetful person a lot. (They are an amazing editor for me!! I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Next, I am putting trigger warnings at the start of each chapter. Most of them I have gone through afterward and added, so if I have missed anything don't hesitate to tell me. I am absolutely open to learning, I haven't experienced anything that would lead me to need trigger warnings, so please tell me if I miss any. If anyone needs it they can ask and I will comment the summary of the chapter. (my response time is off sometimes but I try my best to respond to any comments, if I don't respond in a good amount of time just shoot me another comment. I get notifications whenever someone comments here, but I lose them sometimes, so please give me some slack there lol) This should be the end of the most vital info, so skip the rest if you want to get to the story lol.

Also at the beginning of each chapter I have the translated version of the chapter title, all of them are translated by google translate. If anyone has any advice in that area for the chapter titles I'd gladly accept it. This fic's titles will differ from my other fic (Despite the Scars) in that this one will probably only have translated words that relate to the chapter. Each chapter should be 1000-1500 or maybe even 2000 words. Each of these along with the tw will be in bold for ~easy identification~.

Also unlike Despite the Scars, this fic will have an update schedule. I will try my very best to finish all of the chapters before I finish the other one so that I can update at least once a week. (Edit: I have decided to update every Monday! :D) 

There will not be any love interests in this story, that's really not my thing, I've tried writing a lovey thing once and it didn't mesh at all, lol. People who has followed me for a while might've seen me post a story that I deleted a short time after that. I went on a little journey of self discovery and I figured out a bit more of myself ;) What I mean here is that Izuku will be ace, like yours truly, and I'm not quiet sure whether it will be said out loud or will just kinda be there. (Only because it gets hard for me to focus on different plot points sometimes, so the simpler the better. Also, I only represent a minority of the community. Sexuality is a spectrum, and I don't have personal experience from the other sides, so things may not be the way you personally feel :p) So there will be NO sexual relations in this fic, writing that makes ~uncomfy~ I do hope to have other types of representation throughout, and I will try my best to add something if somebody has a good idea :)

Anyway, I hope that I don't have to say this, but please don't hate on anyone in the comments or on any social group like blm (or any other poc groups) or lgbtqia+ I will not support anyone that sends hate comments towards any of those groups. I haven't had a single problem like that with Despite the Scars, in fact, it was one of the most positive comment sections I've seen on a story, and I wanted to say that I love you guys so much for that. My life has been affected so positively by everyone on my other fic so much that I couldn't help but to make another one.

I will not support discrimination towards any race, ethnicity, religion, etc. Open discussion about these topics is welcomed as long as no one is hurt in the process. I trust that y'all know limits and won't troll on others. I try to be as positive here as possible.

If anyone ever needs someone to talk to me, I'd be happy to message back and forth with you. I've gone through my share of rough patches with mental health, so I can relate to some of you. I'd never ever be opposed to be talking to anyone that wants to talk. As mentioned before I have bad reply timing, mostly because I like messaging on my computer, but I will always try my best to respond soon :).

I am always open to learning more, if I write something that you feel is misrepresented I will be happy to hear you out. From experience with my last fic I will try my very best to do research the  heavier topics I touch. Advice is always welcome, no matter the topic or even if it pertains to the story (I've gotten a lot of advice on torture, and I love it).

I might add to this over time, but I think I've talked about everything I could think about for now.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy reading :)

p.s, you can call me whatever you want, my pronouns are she/her, but whatever flies by me. My Wattpad name is Kat, (not actually my name, but similar). You can call me Kat, Kitkat, Author-chan, whatever floats your boat ;) 

p.p.s. many character are going to be out of character, I've changed around a few personalities like All Might's, Inko's, Hizashi's, etc. Just to fit the plot better. Feel completely free to scream at the characters in the comments, I never take them personally 'cause I usually mean for them to come out as that aggravating, its also fun to see how creative you guys can make your insults ;) I try my best to respond to all comments (I dunno if I said that already, but oh-well)

Also, I found this comment on  youtube video and thought I should share it with you guys. You guys probably are some of the most versed in omegaverse. "It's so much extra work for what? To have half assed werewolves?!" I enjoy that quote a lot.

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