Chapter 11

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After the conversation that Lucas and I had over breakfast things began to feel more real.

I could feel that we were getting somewhere. Not long after our talk he had to take a few calls, he told me it might take awhile because he needed to give the go ahead for some last minute additions to the gala.

With nothing to do, most of my day was spent curled up in the coach watching various movies, basically anything that was showing.

I wanted to go and check on Lucas but after over thinking I decided not to. 

Finally deciding its time for me to Get up. I decided to do some last minute reading for one of my quizzes.

I have been so out of touch with my assignments lately its crazy how I am still able to have a 3.5 GPA.

Balancing both work and school had been more difficult than I taught it would be.

Though I am not prepared to stop working because I love my job so much, I know some changes are needed, school is more important.

I really do need to make a decision. Sigh, with everything thats been going on I am just thankful that I have a week of online classes before going back on campus.

Before I could get more overwhelmed the ring tone from my cell woke me from my taughts.


- Miss. Andrews, Good evening. This is Chelsea, Mr. Green had to go to Paris and he had asked me to call you to come in today if the work load got too much. I know toady is your day off and its short notice but we are short staffed and in need of your help.

I really did not feel like leaving home today. Then again I didn't want to seem selfish and inconsiderate.

- okay I will be there in 20 minutes.

-Thank you Ms. Andrews, please hurry.

Hanging up the phone I decided to and get dressed before finding Lucas. I know he will not be happy with this.

Hopefully he will understand my reasoning, for the past few months Mr. Green has been nothing less that understanding. When I told him I would be attending university he was happy.

He even gave me the go ahead to choose my own shifts. I know Lucas had something to do with this but for once I didn't mind.

I really needed the time, speaking of time its almost time for us to go dress shopping, how did I forget. I hope he wouldn't be upset, plus we can still go shopping for the gown once am done working.

Knocking on his office door I waited on a reply before entering.

" Lucas" hearing his name he looked at me. He didn't look surprised to see me in my working clothes.

"You don't seem surprised that am going to work. Did Mr. Green call you?"

Closing the distance between us he hugged me while placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Yes he did. As much as I wanted to tell him to go to hell. I told him that was your decision to make. Plus, Something told me you wouldn't say no."

"Thank you for allowing me to decide. " I told him while holding him closer.

"Anything for my princess. Now come on Miss Andrews you can't be late for work." Walking hand in hand we left the house.

Lucas dropped me at work and told me he will be back shortly. That was two hours ago. I tried not to think about him too much but I can't help it.

"Miss can I try this top." Not looking up to pay the customer much attention I told her yes.

When the customer returned from the dressing room I realized its no ordinary customer. It was the one and only Lia. 

"You have got to be kidding me, so Code Green has started to employ worthless people."

I know she is only trying to get underneath my skin but it will not work this time.

I am already frustrated and I do not plan on taking her abuse today. I am a stronger person now thanks to Lucas. So instead of entertaining her I kept my composure. Being the professional that I am I ignored her comment.

" Miss did the blouse fit okay?, would you like to purchase it ?"

"Miss? Who are you calling Miss? So now because your working at a high end clothing store you think your better than me?"

"Miss I am working, if you are not interested in the blouse please place it back on the racks so that other persons may have a look at it."

I would be lying if I said that I didn't know where this new found confidence came from,because I know its all Lucas.

Smiling to myself I taught, I could get used to this feeling. Not looking at her I didn't realize that she was about to slap me in the face again.

"Miss I suggest if you are not going to use than hand, please put it down. I would not like to be the reason your hand becomes amputated."

Lucas? When did he get back. Hearing the anger in his voice her hand went back to her side faster that she had lifted it.

" who are you and why do you think you can threaten me as you please? Do you know who my boyfriend is?"

Looking at Lucas I realize his face is void of any emotions. Walking toward him I placed my hand on his biceps to gain his attention.

I know that Lucas is a well know business man has he told me and he seems to know a few famous persons but what he didn't know is who my ex is.

I didn't want this situation to get out of hand because I know Liam and I know he will do anything in his power to jeopardize Lucas and I couldn't risk the possibility of that happening.

" Lucas? When did you get back?"

"Hahaha, really Avery ? So your really that type jumping from one man to another. I guess he isn't all that if he couldn't have place you back into university. Hahha I can't wait to get home to tell Liam this good new, your just pathetic."

All this time Lucas haven't looked at me once. He kept sending dead glares to Lia. But I kept my attention on him, I am not about to entertain her.

Moving directly in front of Liam to block his view of Lia.  looking him directly in to his eyes I told him I wanted to leave. But he didn't move instead he asked, low enough for me to hear.

"Is this the person that hit you the other day."

Not sure what he would do to her I kept silent.

I guess he took that as a yes. Looking at me me nodded his head once while walking to the exist with me behind him.

Loved By Lucas Lancaster (Editing... Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now