Chapter 10

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Lucas I was raped

The words kept playing over and over in my head. I wanted to cry for her for everything she has endore. I wanted answers I wanted to know who did it but I knew now wasn't the time.

Not braking eye contact she patiently waited for my answer. But I couldn't give her one, not right now, not when I am not thinking clearly, so I left the room.

I didnt go far away. I entered the spear room that I have been sleeping in since I met Avery. I redecorated the entire room from the bathroom to the bedroom. My fist broke anything it came in contact with. Once I got rid of the pent up anger I went downstairs and  took a long shower before returning to Avery's room.

The blinds are open so it was easy for me to spot the fresh stain of tears on her face. 

I knew she cried herself to sleep thinking I didn't want her anymore but that was the furthest thing from the truth. I wanted her more than I have wanted anything in my life.

I needed to release my anger but doing it beside her wasn't a choice. After everything that she's been through how could I let my anger get the best of me. Why did I choose this moment to be selfish.

In a moment when she was venerable and opened up to me I left her. What was I thinking.

Feeling exhausted from the workout session in my room I felt myself getting it bed with her placing her face on my chest so that I could hold her close.

Am sorry baby. I really am.


So warm, so comfy, snuggling up against my new teddy bear I held him close. Opening my eye I am shocked at what am seeing, its Lucas. Why is he here? I taught he left. I tried my best to move away from him without waking him.

"Avery stop moving around "

Turning to face me he continued.

"I am sorry I left you alone last night after you told me what happened to you. I left because I was so angry at whosoever hurt you. I couldn't control my anger so I left. I am sorry that you misunderstood my actions."

"Oh. So dose that mean we're okay."

"Nothing as changed Avery, but you still need to answer me?"

"Answer you about what?

" will you be my girlfriend?"

Looking at him to see if I could find a chase of mockery in his eye to make sure he is serious and this is not a joke.

But all I could see is love? And admiration in his eyes. Then and there I knew what I wanted. I wanted Lucas Lancaster.

Smiling as bright as my face would allow I gave him the answer we both needed.

"Yes, Lucas. I would love to be your girlfriend."

Hugging me tightly he said: "thank you Avery. Thank you for giving me a chance to love you, to take care of you and to show you what real happiness feels like."


Lucas left my room 20 minutes ago to make breakfast, giving me enough time to take a shower. According to him he wanted to show me is cooking skill.

I know that wasn't entirely it. He was avoiding asking all the questions he as about what happened to me yesterday. Whether he ask or not I will be telling him about what happened in the cafe.

For the first time in my life I felt complete I felt happy, truly happy. And I will not allow my past to interfere with it.

With that in mind I grabbed his shirt from a near by chair putting it over my shorts and crop top. The morning isn't cold by any means but I enjoyed wearing his shirts and being wrapped in his sent.

Heading down stairs I stared calling him. I do not know why but it been my habit from the day I got here.

"Lucas, Lucas."

" Am in the kitchen Princess."

I know it will take me awhile to get used to all these endearment, but I love them nonetheless.

"Hey chef Lucas is breakfast ready?"

" in just a min... wow.. you know I was thinking we could go shopping today for a gown for the gala, but now I think you can just wear my shirt."

" hahha your crazy, could you feed me please? And what is this gala about?"

" just some work related stuff. This gala is a bit different though there will also be a jewelry exhibition. Plus tonight I am going to announce the lucky company that gets to merge with my company."

" oh wow. I have been to a gala before but none with a jewelry exhibition. Your company sounds like a bit deal."

"I guess you can say that. Come on eat up we leave for the mall in one hour"

" okay"

After breakfast we sat in comfortable silence. I wanted to start a conversation but he started talking before I could think of a sentence.

" Princess, what happened yesterday?"

I know that I am gonna need his comfort for this. So I moved closer to him as I sat cross legged before him, holding his hand. He smiled at me as a sign of encouragement. Taking a deep breath I started talking.

"Not seeing you have taken a toll on me more than I would have expected. When I left work I had a lot on my mind so I decided to talk a walk. Sigh .. then I when into the cafe next door thats where I saw my friend bestfriend... or I guess I should say the person I taught was my bestfriend. I was excited to see her, but she changed. She told me she slept with my ex boyfriend the day he broke up with me, she had some very colorful words to describe me as well "

...I could feel Lucas rubbing my hands, comforting me and encouraging me to go on...

" she said that she was doing what I was doing, Liam told her I was using my body to pay for university. I told her it wasn't true.... I told her he raped me. She didn't believe me so she hit me in the face, and told me not to tell those lies on her boyfriend. She said I am worthless and that is why my family disowned me. I think that hurts the most. "

" Princess you are not worthless. I do not want you to think that or even use that word again. The only person that is worthless is that piece-of- shit of a ex that you had. I swear if I ever meet him he will regret the day he was born. Your mine Avery and I will show you what it feels like to be loved by a Lancaster."

Loved By Lucas Lancaster (Editing... Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now