chapter 1

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Avery, hunny am heading to work see you later, don't wait up.

I heard my boyfriend Liam shouting from down stairs. Liam and I have been together since my second year in university. I met him at a fundraiser party that I attended with my best friend Lia. At the time he was one of the most popular sponsors for the medical department at our university.

Liam had aseked me out on more that one occasion but at the time I refused. Don't get me wrong he's hot alright but it just felt wrong. Plus to me it was a bit weird to date one of the sponsors.

But after much convincing from Lia I decided to give him a chance. Truth be told It haven't been all rainbow and sunshine with him. But then again no relationship is. I have had my share of heartache when it came to Liam, more so than I would like to admit.

I could feel our relationship quickly turning into a shit show and I had a front row seat view, luck me.

Thanks to the paparazzi who have been very helpful with keeping me up to date on Liam's many so called late night meeting, business dinner and work vacation.

Aw only God knows how much I loved him once but he has hurt me too much.

Being the love sick person I am at first I would cry for hours upon hours not eating at one point I could hardly sleep. I would send him long messages explaining to him how much his actions are affecting me. But now its all different

I've ran out of shit to say and emotions to feel , yeah am numb, numb to my emotions no crying, no feeling, no nothing, just me an empty shell pretending to be happy to make "The" Liam O'connor of O'connor Marketing happy.

sigh I was and still am such a fool.  But a fool who is somewhat inlove nonetheless.

I can still remember the first and last time I confronted him about his affairs. I recieved two black eye a bruise cheeks and a fractured rib for my answer, my wounds are still healing to this very day

Take it from Me Liam O'connor is the devil own self in a business suite packing a hell of a punch

Lia is the only person that knows about his abuse, she never told me sorry for convincing me to date him but I know she is. Half of our fights have being over Liam she keeps wondering why I haven't left him but I tried and it almost got me kicked out of university twice and she know this

I am not a good digger but I need him to finish university

Lia knows am not rich, am an only child, I never knew my mother and my so called father is worst than Liam. That man has never showed me a ounce of love. All he saw on me was an ungrateful brat with an attitude problem. My father had a way of dealing with my so called attitude as he put it

He would start of with verbal abuse and some little fancy insults on his good days. On his bad days insults quickly became injury, deadly injuries

Then there is his wife Marsha and her daughter Talia who moved back from Italy because she got bored of the place. When Marsha moved in our house both her and Talia made my life a living hell more than it already was

I because the maid and punching bag for both my parents and step-sister. It's funny how Talia and I are the same age but got completely different treatments from our parents

she because twenty two in March and I will become twenty two in six months  time, but thinking about my coming birthday has only caused me pain

I remember last year Talia woke me up on her birthday to show off her brand new 2021 BMW my dad got her for her birthday

It's like reliving a nightmare yearly,  I try to keep telling myself that I dont care to leasen the hurt but in truth and in fact I did care I don't own a car but apparently there is no use wasting money on me, my father's words not mine

Now I can bearly afford university and being with Liam is the only way to keep me in school after he made me loose my scholarship twice

I could have completed my studies long ago but my father wouldn't pay for it. I know they can afford it because money was never a problem for my family. With the business that my father inherited from my granddad you could consider my family as very Weathly

Sadly all the money From R&R Investment goes to my father's personal bank account , Marsha and Talia shopping trips to Italy and vacations in Singapore

I know my grandad left over 4 million dollars in stock for me to control when I became 18 and over 3 million dollars to fund my university education and as you've guessed no I never got it

When I asked my father about it he said I wasn't a Reid and should never use that last name. So I took my mother's last name Andrew's, She wasn't happy about this but let it slide because no one knew her as Marasha Andrews just Reid. So to everyone I am Avery Andrews

I remember accidentally introducing my self to one of my father's business partners, Mr. Miller as Reid the beating I got afterwards I am still unsure how I survived. He didn't even stop there he went as far as to reject all the scholarship and grants that I got

But Lia saved me as she always have

Thanks to her I was able to fake a job interview on the other side of New York as a maid so that I would be able to attend University

I know my family would gladly allow me to go once it wasn't anything important and once they wouldn't be seeing me

My family is such a mess. Thankfully I'm almost done with university as this is my last year. I am very happy plus I haven't seen or heard from them since I stared.

Snapping out of memory lane and remembering that Liam had left I felt relieved. I know he's probably out with one of his model figure girlfriends again

I would like to say I don't care but I do. I used to wonder, why is it so hard for him to like me again, he was the one that kept asking me out so he must have liked me at one point, right?

I know I am no model with my shoulder length brown curly hair, green almond shaped eyes and defined cheek bone. My body had curves in all the right places for a slender girl I had a nice shape and good body.

Now I think this is the only reason he wanted to be with me. I am a eye candy and to him am just a new sex toy. The night he took me forcefully against my will, will always be with me

He wasn't even drunk he said I was unfair, he gave me all that I wanted and he was not getting what he wanted inreturn. After that night I stayed locked up in my little apartment for a week until he convinced me to come to his house to pick up some school documents

I have not been allowed to leave since. He told me no one would believe me even if I reported it to the police station because " money makes the world goes around " and I have none. From that night I kept out of his way and allowed him to do as he pleased. I  am happy he haven't tried to touch me every since, why would he?, he has all the female attention he could need.

I know he only keeps me here because he likes feeling incontroll and to make sure no one knows what he did to me. Now am just his personal punching bag when his business deals goes wrong.

Sigh, when will my life change.

I wanted to get out of bed so badly but my muscles disagree. I know he wont be back until tomorrow and I needed to go to the library to get some information for one of my assignments before he returns.

So with the last bit of strength I had left, I got dressed for the day.

It was already 3 o'clock by the time I was done at the library. I gathered my things and head for the door.

The sky has gotten darker, and the wind blew stronger,  is it seriously about to rain right now. I hasten my steps along the corridor and started walking as fast as my numb legs could go , trying my best to avoid the puddles of water as I go

I know it won't be long before the last bus for the evening would arrive and I couldn't afford for it to leave me. With that in mind I stated running to the bus stop forgetting all about the discomfort in my legs

Before I could even get to the bus stop I slip and almost fell. Well that would have being embarrassing. I was so focused on trying my best to regain my balance that I didn't notice a fast approaching car

Before I could react I got splashed ,Soked from head to toe.

Loved By Lucas Lancaster (Editing... Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now