Chapter 2

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Seriously ! the universe must be working again me. Sitting flat on my ass I took in my soaked appearance

the information for my assignment is all ruined and scattered nicely on the corridor just as I attempted to move the rain started and no not the cute calm kiss in the rain kinda rain its raining like a storm not to mention the strong wind that kept blowing the few papers that I've tried to secure from my grasp

Sigh, fabulous, what else could I ask for

I can slowing feel the frustration growing and just like that I became a crying mess

I wanted to shout and asked why can't things go right for once for me

I felt so frustrated, wet hair, wet ass kinda frustrated

I know I heard a car door slammed shut but am too engrossed in my taught to look up

What is the point of getting up anyways might as well die here haha only if

Okay now am sounding like an overly dramatic damsels in dostress

I have had it! with my shitty luck it may start raining lizzards

Excuse me miss are you okay?, I heard a deep voice asked

Okay? Am I okay. I am sitting on the side of the road soaked in the rain, crying, with a bunch of wet documents in my hand. Well now that I think of it I am actually doing spectacular

Hello, can you hear me?, the voice asked again sounding irritated


Today is a disaster! Why did I allow Peter to take a toady off. I have a meeting at 3oclock and Its 3:30 pm, am already late. I really don't have time for this.

Sir! I can hear just fine thank you and as you can see I am doing amazing, soaked from head to toe with a dash of mud to top it off.

Look, lady am sorry I splashed you with my car but am late for a very important meeting. So if you would get off the ground, stop figirting with the wet paper and allow me to apologize properly I would really appreciate it. He said urgently looking around frantically.

I really don't have time for this!, He added a tone higher

Now that was plan rude

Excuse me! You don't have time for this !then why don't you look were you're going so that you dont have to waste your precious time splashing pedestrians with your fancy car!

I shouted all while looking into his eyes for the first time since he has been talking to me

I realize he is really handsome forget handsome, this guy is hot but I would never admit to that out loud.

His black hair and piercing blue eyes had me capitivated, his pink lips and defined cheekbone begging to be touched.

Snapping back to reality I tried to focus on now is not a time to seed out potential baby daddies, your angry right now remember angry

Forgetting about the documents and standing up I realized he was about 6ft 3inch. I felt like a child standing next to him but I didn't care right at the moment

Right now I am wet and uncomfortable plus I felt overly frustrated, angry and overwhelmed at the same time.

All I wanted to do was get changed have something warm to drink and hug someone who cares about me so I can feel safe to cry my eyes out about my terrible day

Loved By Lucas Lancaster (Editing... Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now