✨♡Chapter 7; Doctor Who Video♡✨

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|\Isaac's POV/|

I woke up, Kyara right beside me and cuddled into my chest. I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her. She burried her face into my chest, I laughed and combed my fingers through her long hair. I moved her hair behind her ear and softly nibbled at it, she giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Morning Izzybear." She laughed. "Good Morning bae." I kissed her head. "Ugh, I just wanna stay in bed all day and cuddle." She laughed, I chuckled and moved her on top of me, "I'm fine with that!" I perked up. She laughed and kissed me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I put my hands on her hips and wrapped her legs around my waist. I slowly just rolled over so I was now on top of her and she kissed harder and started to french kiss me. I died..


Today Bethany and Cierra made breakfast, and of course Cierra made waffles. Bethany made us bacon and french toast with orange juice. Kyara was on her laptop on the couch making something.

She said something about her Dad coming to visit her and she wanted to make him something but she's only letting Grace know what it is.

She let me know a little about it and I got to rest my head on her lap, therefore the computer was on the coffee table. She looked uncomfortable though sense she had to slouch over me without it looking wrong and her wacking me in the face. I moved so she was now in my lap.

She got comfortable and worked with her headphones covering her ears and her purple, sticker covered, computer in her lap. I watched Sherlock since I want whatever she's making to be a 'surprise'.

After about 2 hours of Sherlock, I found Kyara with her laptop closed and her headphones off while asleep on my shoulder. She must've finished what she had been doing. I kissed her head and put a blanket around us. She woke up a couple minus later as Grace started lunch. We heard a wheezing sound come from the backyard and everyone went silent.

"DADDY'S HERE!!!" Kyara yelled like a five year old and ran outside, Grace ran after her and so did Hailey because she looked excited.

My siblings and I literally started fanboying and fangirling a hole bunch until they walked in again. There stood a man who was clearly known as Matt Smith in our world...but...no this is the ACTUAL 11th Doctor from Doctor Who, soon a woman followed behind him also known as River Song.

And my girlfriend is their daughter...

||•||Kyara's POV||•||

Grace, Hailey, and I ran out to the backyard to see my Dad's Tardis sitting right infront of the big oak tree. I ran inside and got picked up into a hug and spun around by my father. Grace ran in and Dad did the same with her, Hailey stood in the doorway ready to fangirl. "Dad did you bring Mom?" I asked.

"Right here Sweetie." I heard her say and I ran and hugged her. I then took them, or well dragged them back to the rest with Grace and Hailey. Isaac, Beth, Cierra, and Jords looked as if they were about to explode with fangirling/fanboying.

That and Isaac looked as if he were about to pass out, I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a cold glass of water, and handed it to him. He blushed insanely and took a sip. He cleared his throat. "Thanks.." He finally said. I giggled and Bethany was the first to speak up. "Hi!" She chirpped.

"Ello!" My dad smiled and fixed his bowtie, I facepalmed at it and sat on the couch. "So, your the nice people that takes care of Kyara and Grace?" Mom joined in, Grace and I looked at each other like: Oh dear lord.

"Yeah, we are." Jordan spoke. "What're your names again?" Dad asked. "Oh, I'm Jordan, the oldest, this is Cierra, second oldest, the Ginger is Bethany and she's the third oldest, Isaac is the youngest, and Hailey is my girlfriend who is fangirling silently in the far end of the room." Jordan laughed the last part and Hailey chucked a pillow at him.


"MY ANACONDA DON'T WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS HUN!!" Grace yelled and we all bursted out in laughter.

After that it wasn't awkward anymore, everyone was talking and laughing....Isaac and I made out...

Then I remembered what I was making earlier and I sprung to my feet since I was on the floor, and hooked my computer up to the TV. Everyone's attention was now on the TV and I pressed play on the video and sat back next to Isaac on the floor and everyone watched.

"Ready Aim Fire" by Imagine Dragons started to play and the video popped up on the screen.

(Watch the video I put out until the end then continue to read)

•°•After the Video•°•

"That was outstanding, I loved it!" Dad exclaimed and everyone just kept talking about how cool it was. "Good job Sweetie!" Mom looked to me and I smiled widely and nodded.

"That was amazing babe, I love it." Isaac put an arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head. I smiled to myself and rested my head on his shoulder with his arm still around mine.

Today has been a good day.

"What was your guys' favorite part of the video?" I asked, suddenly wanting to know.

"All of it." They replied in sync and I facepalmed. "I would say the part when Clara stepped into basically the Doctor's time stream." Hailey shrugged.

"The hardest part for me to fit in was Mom's regeneration. Mostly because once she actually did I had to speed it up a tad just to get it so once she actually did regenerate, the lyrics would go "Ready Aim Fire" so basically. Mom, you are a piece.of.work." I laughed and everyone started laughing too.

"Well yeah, true." Dad agreed and she hit his arm, but then took it back and agreed making all of us burst out laughing again.

Wow, I have a weird life don't I..?

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