✨❤Chapter 6; Secrets Revealed❤✨

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|Isaac's POV|

"NO LET ME UP!!!" I screamed, we were outside and the whole house was just getting completely destroyed inside, but Kyara was still upstairs. I thrashed and squirmed to get free but Jordan kept his grip on me. Once the shaking had stopped, I sprinted in the house, not even caring about an after shock and ran to Kyara's room.

I kicked the door down and saw the bookshelf had fallen, and her hand coming out from under it. I started crying but got the bookshelf off my girlfriend and knelt down beside her; still crying I held her tightly. She was limp, I couldn't hear her breathing.

I quickly put an ear to her chest and listened, but it was silent, I broke down into sobs and stayed like this for so long, it felt like forever. Bethany ran up, probably hearing my sobs, and gasped at all this. I finally get her, and then....I lose her completely..

Soon all my sobbing turned into just crying, talking to her as if she were still alive. I talked about stories of our past, and what I imagined would be our future. I wouldn't let anyone come in the room, I just wanted me and Kyara.

But I didn't stop talking, I wouldn't let myself; the only ones I let come in was either Grace or Hailey. Grace usually because she kept whispering something into her ear, and Hailey because she was practically doing the same as me–just freind wise–.

"R...Re...Remember the Anime Music Video I..I made and you said you l...loved the song..? I..I can sing it for you..." I shuddered and moved her hair behind her ear, revealing a already dried up gash on her head. Tears flooded my face once more and I started to try and sing the song.

"A..And I will stay up through the night

L..Let's be clear, won't close my eyes

And I..I know that I can sur..survive

I'll walk through f...fire to save my life

And I want it, I want m..my life so bad

I'm doing e..everything I..I can

Th-Then another one bites the dust

It's hard to lose a ch...chosen o..one

You did not break m..me

(You did not break me, no)

I'm still fighting for p...peace

Well, I've got th..thick skin and an e..elastic heart,

But your bl..blade it might be too sharp

I'm li..like a rubber band until you pull too h..hard,

I may sn..snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apa...apart

'Cause I've got an elastic he..heart..."

I broke down in tears again, Grace had came in and she started crying also. "Come back.." I cried and cried just holding her lifeless body and crying more and more. I started sobbing again and that's when Jordan came in, his cheeks were tear stained but I guess everyone's was.

He took Kyara from me and rested her on her bed, leaving me alone on the ground sobbing. He came over and pulled me into one of his comforting brother hugs. I sobbed and just cried and practically just died into his shoulder. I felt like my heart blew up leaving the shards of glass scattered across the floor.

I've never cried this much, ever. "I..I..It..h...hu...hurts.." I choked out and he just rubbed my back. "I know it hurts Isaac." He sighed and but Grace however just couldn't take it any longer.

She started yelling the same thing over and over, crying and her voice cracking. She kept yelling;

"Regenerate, just regenerate~!!"

I gave her the strangest but saddest look, but she didn't care. She started smiling and ran out, taking me and Jordan with her.

"Wh..What the hell are yo–"

"SHE'S REGENERATING!!! SHE'S COMING BACK!!!" She cut me off, I still looked at her like she was a crazy weirdo. "Grace, she can't Time Lords aren't–"

"YES THEY ARE!! THEY ARE!! WE'VE BEEN HIDING IT I'M ACTUALLY HER SISTER!!! I'M HER SISTER I AM GRACE DAWN AND I AM A TIME LADY!!!" She yelled of excitement and she then all of a sudden bursted out in golden sparkling light.

She...she wasn't kidding...

Once the light dimmed she looked kind of different, her hair was longer, a ginger colour also and had black streaks, her eyes were now blue and she looked like she's at least 16. Her clothes had also changed. She was now wearing ripped skinny jeans with a white tank top and a mint grean–light–hoodie.

The hoodie was thin, really thin material and you could see her tank top.

"Woah.." Jordan trailed and then Kyara runs out of the room, but she looked exactly the same except she didn't have any scratches and wore different clothes.

That and she looks like she isn't as skinny anymore, maybe like a cheerleader body..not that I would know that...hehe..anyways.

She then ran to me and gave me the biggest hug, I held her tightly and just kissed her head a billion times.

|\\Kyara's POV//|

After Isaac had kissed me probably over a billion times he went bwck to just hugging me and playing with my hair. "Jords, how long have I been...?" I asked. He closed his eyes tightly then spoke. "Three days." He answered and Isaac perked up.


"Isaac, you know how you just kept talking to her like she was actually there..?" Grace asked, cutting him off. He nodded unsurely.

"Yeah, well um...you kinda were talking...and sobbing for two days..." She rubbed the back of her neck. I turned Isaac's head to me, his eyes were still blood shot and he looked so tired. "Baby, come on lets go to bed." I said and dragged him to the guest room, the only other room that wasn't well, damaged.

"I don't wanna go to bed.." He grumbled, I facepalmed and pulled him into the bed, he rested his head on my shoulder and I wrapped an arm around him and played with his hair.

"Don't leave me.." He suddenly stated and I looked down at him. "I won't." I kissed his head.


"I promise Izzybear, now go to sleep."

"Okay.." He agreed.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you too." He closed his eyes and I kissed the side of his head then reached to turn off the lamp, then turned back to him and just watched him. I moved his messy, knotted, hair behind his ear. He cried three days straight over me...

I...I don't...I can't even believe that..!

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