"Hey can we get a mop for princesses drool in aisle five," Evan says and the assholes start laughing. Haha, very funny. I go to find cleats and a mouth guard and they follow behind me.

"So do you play lacrosse also?" I ask Grayson and he looks at me disgusted. "Yep," he says looking at a pair of cleats. "Are you guys on Varsity?" I ask them. "What do you think?" Evan rolls his eyes.

I grab a pair of cleats, sitting down and sigh. Ok I give up trying, they clearly don't want to talk to me. "We do," Owen says sitting down next to me with a blank face and I nod. "Those are dope cleats, you should get them," he softly smiles at me. Wow this is the first time he said something to me that wasn't an insult. Ok we're getting there...

"I think I will," I smile back at him. I grab the cleats, my stick and a mouth guard and check out. We walk out of the store and head back to the car.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the Brookes..." three guys approach us. The boys stop in their tracks with glares plastered on their faces. I'm thinking they don't seem to like them. "The Carver brothers... you guys make my eyes hurt from seeing your disgusting ass faces," Evan sneers and I laugh at his comment. They snap their attention to me and my laugh cuts off.

"What do we have here?" the middle one smirks at me. "None of your fucking business," Grayson says stepping infront of me. "Ohh I see... is this some foursomeshit you guys got going on?" he chuckles. "Fuck off," I step aside from Grayson glaring at the guy.

"Wanna repeat that?" he steps closer to me trying to intimidate me. "I said... fuck off. Do you need your hearing checked?" I step closer to him and he glares. He then grabs my ass and pulls me flush up against him.

The next thing I know Grayson shoves him off of me and him and Evan pounce at the asshole. Owen and the other guy start fighting as well. I look up and see the other guy heading my way. I wind my arm back and punch him directly in the nose. He falls to the floor completely fucking knocked out and blood pools out of his nose holy shit...

I look up to see Owen straddling a guy on the floor throwing punch after punch at the dudes face. Evan's holding the assholes arms behind his back while Grayson is punching him repeatedly. Wow these boys really throw it down...

I turn around and my eyes widen when I see mall security running our way. "Guys we gotta go!" I yell and they all look back at me. I run and pull Owen off the guy and the four of us bolt out of the mall. With my bags of course...I would never leave my babies behind.

We finally make it into the car and Grayson skirts out of the parking lot. "You knocked him out fucking cold!" Owen exclaims. "I'm gonna fucking kill those assholes," Grayson grips the steering wheel tightly. "Nice arm sis," Evan turns around from the front seat smiling at me.

"Thanks," I say, flexing my bicep kissing it and he laughs. "That was pretty impressive back there. You guys bulldozed them over like it was nothing!" I exclaim and they smile shrugging their shoulders like it was nothing.

"Hey are you ok? That wasn't cool the way he grabbed you back there," Owen says softly placing his hand on my arm. They all look at me with a worried look on their faces. "Ya, I'm all good. Thanks for stepping up for me. You guys didn't have to do that," I tell them. "Yes we did," Grayson says looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Ya anything for our baby sister," Evan cooes. "We're literally the same age?" I stated. "True, but I was born first then Owen, then you. So that makes you the baby," he shrugs his shoulders and we all laugh.

"Who were they anyways?" I ask. "The Carvers are our family business competition but we have more money and power than them and they don't handle it well," Owen explains. "They also go to our school and are on the basketball team. The lacrosse players and them don't get along," Evan says.

Wow that's intense. Rivals in and out of school. "If they give you any shit at school you come get us right away. Got it?" Grayson says. "Aye aye captain," I salute him and he chuckles rolling his eyes.

We finally pull into the driveway. "Alright not another word of this to Liam, he'll flip his shit if he found out we got into another fight again," Grayson tells us. "Holdup. Again? This happens a lot?" I deadpan. They all start laughing. "Welcome to the golden state lolo," Owen pats my shoulder and we all get out of the car. Lolo...I like it.

We walk into the house and find Liam and Henry in the kitchen. "How was the mall?" Henry asks. "Great!" I chirp and the boys nod. Liam gets up and walks over to stand in front of Grayson. "What happened to your face hmm?" he asks, crossing his arms. We all freeze.

Shit, he has a cut on the side of his face. No one says a word. "Sorry that was my fault. When I opened the car door I accidentally hit him in the face," I quickly covered up. "Yep saw it with my own two eyes," Evan says and to make it more real he holds up 2 fingers and Owen nods his head.

"Very well, clean it up," he says eyeing us suspiciously. He walks away and Henry winks at me. Wait does he know? I look back to the guys and they are all smiling at me.

Maybe this won't be so bad...

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