Chapter 13

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I couldn't wake up. Like I was in a coma. But it's only been about 2 hours. I tried my hardest to wake up, though. It just wasn't working.

You're so weak. 

She was talking to me. Again. This voice in my head. 

You made me like this! 

Just wake up! 

I can't! 

I can't wake up, honestly. It's like I'm dead! Wait... 

Am I dead? 

No, if you were, we wouldn't be talking.

Why are you talking to me? 

What? I can't talk to this person I created. 

If you want me to wake up, just come out! 

I can't, Elsa! This spell prevents that! 

Then why did you cast it? 

Again, with this arguement. I always asked her why she cast the spell. 

So everyone can forget the wrong that I did! 

Who's fault is that? 

I'm still you, you know. I just look different, and I can't divulge the truth. And my powers are limited. And my personality is different. But everything you are doing, it's me doing it. I am the true form. 

Then why are you yelling at me about how weak I am? 

Because I am scolding myself!

Look, Elsa, you need to be careful. I don't trust Jack with Rapunzel. 

Neither do I. But what can we do? He has to tell her! 

You tell her, then. Or--well, then we'll tell her.

I don't know.

Look, the only reason I do certain things, is because you are also the true form. You influence the actions, as well. 


If you look at the mirror, I come out. Then, if I look in the mirror, you come out, but in a differnt body.

Are you serious? 


It's too bad you don't have the mirror, huh? 

Don't act cute. I can get the mirror. I know who has it, which mean you do. Only in your thoughts, you have complete control.

Who has the mirror? 

Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. 

Is it someone we know? 

Yes. In fact, you'll meet him soon. But, the mirror won't be mentioned. Soon, though. Maybe in a year or so. 

How do you know? 

I have many powers, Elsa. In the spell, the powers were limited. With my full powers, I can see parts of the future. 

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