New Student (Rini week #3 2)

Start from the beginning

"That doesn't sound good," Ashlyn said. The girls got curios and looked through the curtains on the stage to see who as yelling, and they were right it was Ricky and Ms. Jenn.

"You told Nini about me getting kicked out of school," he screamed.

"No, no, don't bring me into this," Nini whispered as she watched the scene unfold.

"Grow up Ricky you're not here to make friends" Jenn said. "Oh, so nowI can't have friends. Is that how this school works" Ricky yelled walking closer to her. "You're here to get your life on track, you've already failed a year that is quite enough"

"I thought he was a little tall for being a junior," Nini said.

"I knew coming here was a mistake, why don't I just go live with my real mom again, would that make you happy" he said storming away, but he only moved a few steps when Ms. Jenn said something. "Richard." "You obviously don't want me here" he said, turning back around to face her. "Just admit it, Jenn, or shall I say, stepmom." he said, leaving the room.

Nini was taken aback by what Ricky had just said. Ms. Jenn is Ricky's stepmom, Ricky is Ms. Jenn's stepson, Ricky's dad was guy Ms. Jenn was getting married to over the summer, it was a lot to take in.

Nini and Ricky get paired to do another project together, this time in english.

They were in Nini's room working, "No I think this is ment to go over here" Ricky said, reaching to the other side of the table, moving closer to Nini in the process.

Nini turned to look at him but when she did she realized how close they were their faces were almost touching. Nini looked down to his lip, then back up to his eye, and Ricky did the same.

Before either of them realized what was going on, they started kissing. When Ricky did finally break out of his trance he quickly pulled away and ran out of her room with his stuff without saying another word.

Once a year the music and the dance departments will do an interdisciplinary project where a group of people from both departments pair up and do a performance. This year Nini's group project was Romeo and Juliet.

But of course with Nini's bad luck she got put into a group with 8 dancers and one person from the music department, who happened to be the one and only Ricky Bowen.

"Why don't you two right a song and then we'll choreograph a dance that goes with it" one of the dancers suggested. "Sure, I guess" Nini responded and Ricky nodded.

Nini and Ricky were both sitting on the piano bench playing the piano and the same time, when their hands brushed slightly. Nini barely even noticed it, but Ricky did. He quickly picked up his backpack and ran out of the room.

A few hours later Nini found Ricky with his back resting against a tree.

"I don't care if you don't like me, and I don't care if it's hard to write with me because of it" she said walking up to him. "Nini" he interrupted.  "No, you've ignored me for the past how many weeks. If we want to do this professionally then there's going to be times when feelings get felt" she said, but Ricky interrupts her again. "Sure, but it-" "I'm not finished. We have to let that fuel our songs"

"I can't do it," he said. "Then you're gonna have to come up with another solution because I hate to admit it but you're a better songwriter then John Legend" she said, exaggerating slightly. "I'm pretty sure that's not true" he said, a hint of a smile on his face. "My point is we need you back in the group because it's an interdisciplinary project, and I kinda need someone else to write with"

Ricky stood up from his position resting against the tree and stood directly in front of her "What are you doing" she asked when his face got quite close to her face."I didn't leave the group because I don't like you, it's that I like you too much" he said trying to explain how he was feeling.

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