chapter thirty ❃ hufflepuff vs. slytherin

Start from the beginning

He must have seen the look of panic flash across my face because he quickly came back over to me and cupped me cheek, "Only for five weeks my love, then I'll be all yours again... and we can pick up where we left off, if you'd like." I smiled and nodded, and he walked back over to his dresser to grab his uniform. "I won't be long." He said and about ten minutes later he walked back in, in his quidditch uniform looking more awake. He, as always, looked gorgeous and I admired him once again; the quidditch uniforms had always been my favourite. "Come here Angel." He said, and I got out of bed pulling his shirt down and walking over to him, I heard him mewl slightly at the sight of me and I chuckled. "You need to go my love, or you'll be late." I said as he looked me up and down. "Will you be there?" He asked, "At the game?" I smiled, "Of course I will be Ced." I said. "Good, I'll look for you, you can leave here whenever you're ready, the bathroom is through there. Do you know how to get out?"

"I'll dissapearate, I'll be okay." I said and he smiled at me, "Great, okay well, have a wonderful day my darling, I love you so much." I smiled back, "I love you too and please, be careful." Cedric nodded and kissed my forehead before heading for the door and leaving me there in his dorm. I looked around, I didn't really know what to do, I doubted anyone would be looking for me, so I got back in bed. I still couldn't believe this was happening, I mean Cedric actually forgave me and now I was led in his bed drowning in his cologne. My stomach rumbled and I looked at my watch, it was lunch time so I got up and pulled on my school skirt, my top was covered in blood so even though it was too big I left Cedric's on, my robes were covered in blood too so I just gathered them up with my tights, before making Cedric's bed for him and diappearating to the Slytherin common room. I got a few strange looks as I was walking to my dorm, but I ignored them and walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door to my dorm and waited... nobody answered so I just went in and no one was in there, so I jumped in the shower.

Once I was ready for the day, I headed down to lunch and saw Pansy and Draco. Apprehensively, I walked over to them and sat down "Hey Guys." I said, smiling because I was actually in a very good mood for once, I think Draco noticed. "You seem more cheerier today Ris, you okay?" I looked at him, "Yeah actually I am, I don't know why I'm just feeling better all of a sudden." I looked over at Pansy and she had her head down, she looked ashamed for some reason, "Uh Pansy are you okay?" I asked her and she looked up at me, "Yeah actually Ris I uh, I need to apologise to you." I smiled as she called me Ris, she hadn't called me that in months. "I'm sorry for everything really... not being there for you with your mum, not believing you or even talking to you, and for accusing you of being with Draco, I've just been a right bitch to you lately and I'm so sorry really, can you forgive me?" I smiled at her, yes things really were looking up, weren't they? "Of course, Pans, I understand why you did what you did, and I probably would have done the same." Pansy ran around the table and actually hugged me, "Oh I'm so glad Ris, I've fucking missed you so much the boys are driving me insane." We both laughed, "Do you want to go and watch the boy's game together later? It's Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin the last game of the year." I smiled, although I didn't think we would be supporting the same team... she didn't know that though. "I would love to Pans." Draco cut in now, "I'm so glad you guys are friends again, and I'm also so glad you're coming to the game, ready to see my big victory? I can finally finish what Cedric started and see the look of pure disappointment on his face when I catch that snitch." I laughed, "Yes very exciting." I said rolling my eyes playfully at Pansy making her laugh.

Even though it was July the wind was cold in the quidditch pitch stands, this didn't stop hundreds of students gathering though. This was the biggest game of the whole school year, the final; Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin, whoever won would win this year's house cup. Hundreds of excited students were gathering into the stands, and I of course, was stood on the Slytherin side; only to keep up appearances. I still hadn't really decided who I wanted to win, on one hand, Draco would go on forever if he didn't win, it would be like torture listening to him. But on the other hand, I knew how disappointed Cedric would be if he didn't win, he would blame it all on himself and it would be hard to watch him like that, I needed our last night together for five weeks to be a good one.

Madam Hooch released The Golden Snitch and the game began. I saw Cedric smile when he spotted me in the crowd, and I smiled back. The game went as usual and Slytherin was in the lead, Draco looked manic flying around looking for the snitch, if he caught it now the game would be over, and he would be a champion. "AND SMITH SCORES, SEVENTY-FIFTY TO HUFFLEPUFF!" Lee Jordan screamed into the megaphone as the Hufflepuff side of the stands cheered, now if Cedric caught the snitch he would win, Draco looked pissed and then all of a sudden, he was bombing it down the field at Cedric who had seen something shiny. He shot of and race between them was on, for Cedric this was a lot of fun and if they won even better... but for Draco this was life or death, and everybody knew Slytherin played dirty. Draco tried everything, he tried cutting Cedric up and he even tried to get him of his broom at one point. But Cedric was too focused on the snitch to care, he dodged all Draco's moves and even played some of his own. He suddenly switched direction and of course Draco shot after him, he used this as leverage and then switched again confusing Draco and finally getting him off his tail. Cedric quickly shot upwards and then he was reaching his hand out, I saw the snitch now, it was on the tips of his fingers. Cedric quickly dodged a bludger that Crabbe had hit his way, but he never moved his hand away from the snitch. Everybody was on the edge of their seats, including me and then all of a sudden Cedric closed his fingers around the small, struggling Snitch. Madam Hooch's whistle sounded, and the Hufflepuff side of the stands went insane, Cedric was being carried by his team mates and half of the pitch were chanting "Diggory!" I silently cheered inside my head and was extremely proud of Cedric. On the outside I joined the rest of the Slytherin's with grim faces but had to fight back a smile.

After the game, the sun was just setting and as I imagined Draco was most unbearable. "You should have seen his smug face when he looked at me, ugh I could just-" Pansy cut him off, "I'm still so proud of you baby, you looked so good, it's the teams fault they didn't score enough." Draco nodded and slightly smiled at her obviously listening to some sort of inner monologue as we walked to the Great Hall for dinner. The feast was as wonderful as it always was, and Draco had cheered up a bit now. "Aren't you guys excited to be going home?" I asked as everybody didn't seem as happy as I thought they should be. Draco didn't answer which I understood, and I sent him a knowing smile, "Yes I just feel bad that you're going to be here all by yourself for six weeks." Pansy said and I smiled, "I'll be okay, I'll find things to do, you never know you might come back, and I've painted the whole dorm or something." Pansy laughed, "Please whatever you do, do not paint it yellow." I laughed too before we went back to our food.

When everybody was done, I grabbed Draco before he could leave with Pansy, "Write to me if things get... too much. I'm sorry I can't be with you this summer, I'll miss you." I said hugging him. Draco nodded, "Yeah I'll miss you too, write to me please, I'm going to need something to keep me sane." I nodded and pulled away from Draco, "I'm going to bed so if I don't see you in the morning, goodbye Ris." He said before he started walking off, I said goodbye and then slowly made my way to The Astronomy Tower like I'd promised Cedric.

authors note: Okay so like I started writing sixth year yesterday and I've decided not to write about their first time because that's not what this story is about so apologies if anybody actually wanted that, this is the most you're getting hehe. Anyway! I hope you're all enjoying this story and is anyone else actually excited for new year hah I am so done with 2020. Please VOTE!!!!

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