Amira's heart danced, skipped and raced with every step he took closer to her, he had thick shades on but she felt his eyes on her just like hers was on his.

The two ladies greeted him when he passed them by and he only nodded and continued to his wife.

"You aren't going out like that are you?"

She scoffed. "And that's what you felt like asking first?"

His lips twitched to a half smile as he took off the glasses. "I missed your trouble."

She laughed. "Get lost."

"I missed you."

She looked up at his eyes which held a lot of emotions, they're an ocean in their own but she wasn't ready to sink in them.

She rubbed her fingers over his right jaw, the feel of his sideburns silky and smooth.

"You've lost weight." Her brows furrowed.

"See your guests off, I need to rest."

"Wait and eat first." She said to him as he walked past her.

"You have no idea what I wanna eat." He said to her ears and continued in.

What the... what happened to my husband?!

Larai cleared her throat forcing Amira's mind back to them.

"Yeah right, I'll go blind if I stay here for a day."

Amira laughed and they said their byes before the car zoomed out of the house.

She went back in just as Ali was heading for the stairs with a bottle of water in his hand.

"I remember telling someone to eat first?"

He glanced at her and a tell-tale smile stretched on his lips. "Weren't you leaving?"

"Were you expecting me to?" She stood beside him since he'd stopped.

"Maybe. Who were those?"

"Mates from school, came to update me on our grad preps."

"Nice." He made to climb up but she held his hand.

He stopped and looked at her fingers as she laced them with his, then his eyes travelled up to her eyes which were glued to his face.

"Where have you been Ali?" She asked in a raspy voice, her eyes glazing with tears.

"I'm back, that's what's important."

"You made me worried sick." A lone tear slid down her cheek and he thumbed it away.

"Cry baby."

"Stop." She sniffled and held his hand that's still cupping her face. "Stop trying to evade my question."

"You'll find out, if you have to."

"C'mon, I made you something to eat." She pulled his arm along. "And you're eating whether you like it or not."

She sat him down at the head of the table and came in with the dishes.

"You'll love this." She took off the dress she's wearing and his eyes trailed along her perfect figure.

Shit! Not this, not now. Please.

Her voice barely hit his earlobes as she spoke because he's too captivated.

The clothes clung to her like a second skin and the LV belt around her waist revealed how flat her tummy was. The bosom, hips, butt... do all women look this good in heels or is it just his wife?

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