God is a sadist, change my mind

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I'm trying to improve my writing hopefully you guys like it tell me if not tell me


Y/n's POV

It was dark. That was all I could say I knew I was dead but I didn't know where I was . Was this hell? Heaven? So many questions but before I could think about where I was I heard a voice. It was chilling yet playful like that of a child's but it felt , No it was Sinister all I could feel was pure Dread .

What do you want?"I asked "Nothing much just you're soul" he or she said , it was hard to tell since it was so monotone it sounded like that of a  robot "I have nothing against what I don't know" something my grandma told me when I was little I thought I could use it...... that quote was further from the truth. This child, no this Thing is unnerving but I still can't explai-

Before I had finished the sentence I was interrupted. Peace of shit I thought

"It was a joke I just wanted to see you panic" the Thing said. "Well fuck you too you sun of a BITCH" the words of mine made the child's smile enlarges to the point one could only call it Twisted .

????? POV

This piece of -
Calm yourself Micheal it's just a guy trying to piss you off..... *sighs*
Hey! You like anime?!!

Y/n's POV

"Yes? Why do you wanna know? I mean we are literally in a void, plus who the hell are you?" I responded "I'm Micheal the god of games and you are my vessel" the child that I now knew was Micheal said . " You like Naruto right?" He said, I don't know why but it made me flinch
something here was wrong wrong on so many levels I couldn't describe it. "Yes I do" I foolishly said . "You're favorite mortal kombat character is Shang Tsung and your favorite dojutsu is the tenseigan" Micheal said in a cheeky yet somehow serious tone something I also noticed is that he had the same feeling towards him like that of Meliodas against Fraudrin he also knew many things about me. " You want revenge" he said , I paused " I do"
" I'll help you achieve your goal if you agree"
" I'll do it" I said. Just like that something popped up in my face something I hadn't seen since I died "Color!" I said, if you had heard you'd think I was a child.

All the text said was would you like to be a gamer? I said yes. Then everything went black again.

All I could do was smile

Micheal POV

Crap! I didn't explain shit! Oh well he'll find out, the HARD  way

Narrator POV

And just like that something that one would call a demon was sent on his way to the path of revenge where only death destruction and desires thrived or so Micheal thought


And see y'all next time

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And see y'all next time

-Crimson out

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