Chapter 1

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Hallo people welcome to da story. this is not my first story just my first on this account. I do hope you enjoy and I do not plan to take this legit alright. alright so don't plan to think this is good. alright lets begin.

y/n- you name


I woke up to a nice humming. As I turned my head to face the direction of the soft melody, I wasn't surprised to see my brother... of course it was him. He was going through my bookshelf once again, probably because he has read all the books on his own bookshelf, like usual.

"You didn't knock again Halo," I groaned while sitting up. He quickly turned around, a smile now on his face.

"Oh, sorry sis, I forgot again, but since you're up anyways, you should get ready for school," he said, "the bus will be here in an hour."

Bad then left the room with one of my Greek books.

Ugh, the whole 'school thing' is back. I fell to the floor and ended up crawling my way to the dresser to grab some clothes. I decided on some black pants along with a white shirt that read 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.' After putting on my leather jacket -that Halo gifted me for my 17th birthday,- I grabbed my black beanie -that I couldn't live without because I had grown to love it so much. Sliding on my black converses that were once laying in the corner of my room, I picked up my -already packed by Halo- bag.

 Sliding on my black converses that were once laying in the corner of my room, I picked up my -already packed by Halo- bag

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I went downstairs, only to be greeted by my father, who was standing in the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, ready for your first day back to school?" he asked while smiling.

I returned the smile and sat down at the dining table where breakfast was already waiting.

"So, is mom joining us for dinner tonight?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer -it was always the same.

"No, sorry y/n, your mom has work to do again," my father said as he started to do the dishes.

My mother has always worked hard to keep Bad and me under a roof, but that also means we don't get much attention from her. Hell, we barely ever saw her.

"Oh alright dad, thanks," I said, while eating my food.

Suddenly, I heard a honk. Standing up, I put my -now empty- plate on the pile of other dirty plates that my dad was washing.

"Is that friend of yours, what's his name oh... Zak driving you to school?" dad asked. I simply nodded, making him smile as he went back to doing the dishes. I grabbed my bag and walked outside to see Zak talking to my other bud, Fin, the cross-dresser of the school, but he was cool.

"What's up my sister from another mister," Zak said once he saw me, Fin also looked my way, smiling. Waving in response, I hopped in the car.

"Didn't feel like picking up Sapnap or Niki?" I asked, but the next thing I knew, a car stopped right next to us.

the window rolled down to reveal a sapnap with some shades

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the window rolled down to reveal a sapnap with some shades.

"Hey mamas," Sapnap said, smiling as Niki gave a small peace sign from the passenger seat.

"No fucking way, Sap you have a car now?" I said, admiring it, I mean of course it's not better than Zak's, but it was still cool.

"Yep I did, meaning I can drive Niki and I to school since we're neighbors, so we don't have to wait on you guys, bye," Sapnap said as he rolled up his window, and started driving towards school.

Zak began moving too, once he saw the bus coming down my street, meaning Bad would be coming out soon.

(time skip to school)

We finally got to school and hopped out of the car. Zak had to leave to head to the baseball field, as Fin went to go hang out with a friend of his named Vincent -he was some random foreign exchange student from Paris. Sapnap went to go find his boyfriend, and Niki just fucking vanished somewhere. So I was pretty much alone as I walked into the school building, just looking at my phone. I heard some whispers, most likely about me, due to the amazing last day of school goodbye I did. Of course I took the whole blame, not wanting Zak to get in trouble, and spray painted the school entrance. Unfortunately, it looked like they managed to get it off.

I kept walking, just scrolling on my phone, when suddenly I bumped into a bunch of heavy books. Thus, sending me and whoever bumped into me, to the floor. I heard gasps from students around us. A deep man's voice rang through my ears.

"I-I'm sorry..." he sounded shy and scared, he probably didn't know who he bumped into; And might I say I wished I had thought before I acted. So I sat up, and threw the heavy book off of my face. I looked at the boy, with a sharp fucking glare. The moment our eyes met, he seemed to be frozen in absolute fear.

"I-I'm so sor-" he tried saying, but I cut him off; the words I wanted to say was 'hey are you okay' or 'no need to apologize; but what came out of my mouth was nowhere near helpful.

"You fucking bitch, watch where you fucking walk, before I have to punch some sense into you!" I shouted and he flinched.

Quickly, I got up and walked away, but not before noticing two boys, who were on the sideline, quickly ran over to help him up. Well that was a great start to my year... huh I hope my brother didn't see that, I don't feel like getting yelled at.

whelp that's it for now see ya in the next chapter

[It All Started In History Class] technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now