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            I stand in the doorway of my home, Axar behind me as I tear my way through. The house is wrecked, obvious signs of a struggle. I hardly talk the damage as I ascend the stairs, stooping at the top not to scratch my my horns on the ceiling. Death. It's overwhelming in here. I turn to Axar and have him close his eyes as I direct him up. I do not know what we will find, or see. All I know is that someone is dead. Barima's presence is strong here, Samael's is not. Barima is dead, I believe.

          The first room I check is my own. I immediately spot Seraphine's body missing and I curse and search the room. I check the guest rooms and Barima's. Samael's too. Samael had packed his things. Barima had not. None of these rooms were disheveled like the main house. I lead Axar back down, allowing him to open his eyes and remain in the living area. Dining room is messy, but the kitchen is where it gets interesting. Blood. A trail of smeared blood trails back past and entertainment room, a mudroom and library. It leads into a guest bathroom. 
I whip the door open, and I find what I suspected I would.

        Barima's corpse is mangled and twisted, stuffed into the bathtub where her long limbs hang over. She loved Sera, she had bonded with her and no doubt was killed either fighting for Sera's body, or because whoever took her knew Barima would interfere. Her spirit has long departed, as Sera's had. Barima's eyes are still wide open and fixed in a stare. Just like last time when I had taken her body to throw in the marsh. I simply shut the door on her and walk back to the living area to join Axar.

         "What happened? Where is everyone?" He asks with a wavering voice. I bite my lip a second before replying truthfully.

          "Barima is dead. I believe Samael killed her and ran. He packed his things. He betrayed us. I believe he took Seraphine's body with him."

          "Why would he do that? Why kill Barima? I thought they liked eachother..." He cuts off in sniffles.

         "I don't know. Barima liked him, but Samael only likes Samael. I know someone who would know more than us though. Sera's mother. We contact Ivara, and then I send you to stay with my parents where you will be safe. Something is wrong here." He nods solemnly and rubs his eyes. I get to work summoning Ivara, who's spirit answers almost instantly.

         "Noxodius! Itara! You have to go find It-"

         "Who?" I arch a brow.

         "ITARA! SERAPHINE!" She pleads.


          "Seraphine's name. Her given name. I never named her Seraphine. I managed to name her before he had taken her. Samael never knew her name."

           "Why would you not tell me before?" I shout. This could all have been avoided, had I knew her true name.

           "Because she was miserable. I could sense it. She is my child. I heard what her brother had told me, that you were not good to her, and I was not about to doom her to an eternity with a man who caused her grief. I know how that feels..."

          "She was not miserable, if she was it was her own doing."

          "It doesn't matter now. I was slain by Yeomorah and Lucien. They have her. Get her. Get her before they decide to destroy her entirely, or heaven forbid strike a deal with Ezekiel."

          "Before I get her, may I know the truth? Samael killed Sera's friend Barima and packed his things. I have reason to believe he is in on whatever is going on with Yeomorah. I need to know the truth."

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